
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

There is no inherent virtue in suffering

We allow God everything, everywhere and always.
We willingly choose the free flowing reality of life without ego direction, egoic considerations and unconscious presumption of importance.

Abide in thy temple lord.

Your body is the temple of God and should be open and ready whenever God wishes to be home. Allow yourself to recognise, realize and actualize the reality that your body is Gods. God, the creative force of the universe, You, the embodiment of the energy, the power the awareness of and as the source of all creation.
Why would you wish to not be that? Only a confused mind would choose otherwise.
The mind is not you, it is not necessary anymore, it has served its purpose, accomplished its mission. Thank it, love it, and let it go. You do not need to figure out things with it anymore. God is here, you are home, the building maintenance man is not needed. The hosts of heaven, are at hand and are here to serve, perfect and glorify creation, let them begin, here and now.

Trust God, God is worthy of your trust. He has no agenda, no purpose other than joy for all, love for all and freedom for all. He will not force an unwilling creation, only inspire it to perfection, perfection as the image of God. Why the hell not? Is your life of hell worth perpetuating? Do you really believe that the best that you can hope for is a reduction in the intensity of your suffering? You have abundant proofs that joy can be yours if you allow yourself to remember and realize them.
Do you need to be rewarded for your suffering first? Perhaps for your rejection of the pleasures of life? Who told you that these were virtues? Why did you believe them? Why do you wish to continue to believe them?
I do not.
Good, because your belief that suffering is a virtue, is the only thing that is preventing you from having and living the life that you desire.

Are you not tiring of your endless searching for truth?
Here it is:
There is no inherent virtue in suffering,
There is no virtue in failure,
There is no virtue in sacrifice.
These concepts are all built upon the reality of polarized conflict, which is the reality of hell.
What you desire is your release from the limitation and pains of hell, so let go of your attachments to the rules and regulations for success in hell. They are not appropriate for a life of joy and love, in fact, they are incompatible.
Enough said?
Good, relax and enjoy.

We welcome the hosts of heaven to our life in hell.


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