
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Do nothing, be everything.

You don't have to overcome your limitations to be free, you just have to stop creating them. You are and have always been creating yourself as a limited being, you choose the degree and type of limitation in each moment.

If you have limited yourself into a condition of general disability, consider leaving all of the good reasons that you did it behind you. Then let the created limited you, the only you that you still know, take a little vacation from controlling your life and be completely still. Being absolutely still, actively stops you from creating yourself as you have been and open you up to the possibilities that are available to you. The possibilities that there are endless and endlessly wonderful options of beingness and experiences, that are open and available to you, when you open your mind to the mind of Godly possibilities.

Unburden yourself , let go of your needless complexities and feel your way to freedom of choice, by doing nothing while being everything. You will then know that you are not alone, you have a universe full of divine partners that have been waiting for you to join them, in their celebration of the life divine.

Choose divine presence and let all else go. You won't become nothing, you will regain your true self, the divinely conscious divine being, that is the truth of who you really are.


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