
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Awakened within the dream

The veil of forgetfulness is what solidifies your reality into a particular beingness. As you let go of your attachments to reality and drift off to sleep, it lifts and unlimited possibilities are again yours. If you do the same thing while remaining conscious, you can remain in your current reality with miraculous possibilities.

To consciously drift off to eternal possibilities, you allow everything to be as it is, without any desire to change it. Each reality is a compilation of the desires and choices of all the beings that inhabit it and all are stuck there as participants as long as each desires for any part of it to be different than it is.

You have free access and are the causative power of change, when you no longer have the wish to have the power to change reality. All others desires for peace are blessed and granted by he who is at peace because he has no desires.

Everything that you perceive here is another, even yourself as there is no embodied self as your eternal truth. In truth you have no desires, you just are. Your eternal peace that you are is thus gifted to this reality, first to that which you confused yourself as being, the body and personalities that you adopted as your expression here.

You have no desires,
Anything that does,
Is not you.
Let all desires be at peace.

Awakened within the dream, one controls the dream, with the peace that you are. There is no eternal truth here manifest as you, until you are eternally present.


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