
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Right here, right now.

WE don't have to do anything other than allow God to be expressed through us. Express yourself God.

The first act of a real God in a diminished reality like this one, would be to allow God to be expressed in or through himself to others, then he would allow others to be the expression of God to each other, next he would allow others to be the expression of God to himself and finally I would allow myself to be the expression of God to me.

It's a game of God, "your it" pass it on.
A game where everyone that plays it wins.
A game where at the end, God is with God.

Allow God to be expressed here through you,
right here,
Right now.

The immaterial and the material have been merged together now,
in you.



  1. Hi David,

    How is it going for you, the communications in your writings, for you?

    It is always interesting to read your blogs.

    Marielle has flown back to Wisconsin for the moment to finish up some business and come back with her daughter.
    She'll be back in a couple weeks depending on how much time she needs there, and how much time I need to get settled.

    I definitely have interest in the content of your communications, and am exploring myself, surrender, sincerity, etc...
    beyond the usual spirituality interests, and into a singular DUH.

    I am completely intrigued by Steven Harrison, Tony Parsons, and U.G. Krishnamurti, and a few others.
    Each say something from a totally different "perspective" but are really saying the same thing...
    basically, for me, resembling an idea of complete and total responsibility, and the impossibility of that responsibility.
    In other words, there are no answers... just lots of questions and ideas...

    aka: What's next... after now?
    aka: How's it going for you?

    Any offering, philosophy or energetic idea can be good, even impenetrably "it", but then we still have to deal with
    negotiating with one another with those ideas. I don't think it's a good idea to come up with absolute solutions ALONE
    when we are not alone... or we are ONLY alone, and "what else is possible?", "How's it going for you?" and "What's next after Now?"
    break down that idea of solution and impenetrableness... that is simply a fact. Not in reality or "NOW", but inevitably.

    I think we each face that fact every day of every moment, besides sensual/mental/spiritual (all the same) AHAs
    that inevitably bring one to... high and dry... chanelling solutions and communicating perfect ideals...
    but TO WHOM and for WHAT PURPOSE?

  2. Hi Gary,
    Nice to hear from you again. Here is what I can say about things from my own experience. I don't write about my ideas, I write about my experiences. I have no belief system that I follow, no scripture that I believe blindly or ideal that I must follow whether or not it proves to be true. Because of this I am open to experiencing anything and the experience is the truth not the telling of it.

    My experiences show me that unbelieveably expanded states of consciousness are available to those who are open to them. States that make this reality dim to the point of being a supreme burden to come back to. I believe that these God consciousness states of knowing and ability can be brought into this reality and that when they are this reality will take a quantum shift up in frequency, a shift that will change this reality into a physical manifestation of eternal truth and I believe that this is the purpose that we came here to accomplish. A transformation of this reality into heaven on earth.

    At the same time I struggle with business, relationships and my body like everyone else even while I am ignoring them because I spend so much of my time exploring what the possibilities are.

    Marielle is a great girl, now that you have a partner, what are your plans for your life together?

    Finally, there is no truth to be found in reading, talking, speaking and doing anything. It is only revealed when you realize that there is nothing here that can lead you to the truth, no authority that has made it, no one here as the manifestation of God. When there is, the world will change. For your self to know, it only comes when surrenderring to the ultimate truth, which is tough because there is no way to know before hand if it is true, if it is safe, or what you will be when it is through with you. When not knowing is more burdensome than the fear of the unknown, then you will have the guts to dive into the abyss as you let go of everything else.

    Happy surrenderring,


  3. Thank You. Nice reply!
    I'll get back to you. I'm living with my brothers right now.
    Expanding nicely from your words now, or the like... I'm pretty willing in my admission of total resistance.

    Later, me
