
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, September 14, 2009

If you don’t know what the truth is, then you know that your truths are lies.

Steve and David having dinner in Florence.

d. Is there a purpose in getting somebody else’s attention, in focusing some body’s attention on what we do, is there a divine purpose served in doing that? Is there such a thing as a divine purpose? Is there a reason for taking actions here that is acceptable for a divine being? If there is a divine embodiment of the being, what actions are appropriate for that divine being to pursue?

d. If you embody here as an unencumbered eternal divine consciousness, is there any action that can be taken here that does not cause that consciousness to descend into the realms of polarized interactions? Is there a way to be divinely free, embodied and in action?

d. In order to devise your own code of action and behavior, you have to be able to insert exactly the question of what actions can I undertake that will not negatively affect my conscious reality, actions that will not cause me to go into a state of unconscious embodiment?

While you were gone, the questions that I was considering were;
d. If a native, natural, eternal, divine consciousness were to embody here, what actions if any are allowable for that consciousness to maintain its eternal awareness and still be embodied here? What are the real rules for maintaining divine awareness in this reality? As the truth of who you are, what is it possible to be, do and have in order to be the temple of God? What life can be lived? Is it more than the life of a monk or an ascetic? Or is it possible to be somebody who really uses his body, someone who is fully interacting with humanity.

s. I think the answer lies in those who have already done that. Like Buddah.

d. I don’t know how well he was interacting with the rest of reality.

s. Christ then?

d. That’s a tough one, despite all of the really wonderful things that he did, he obviously was in a very high state of consciousness and able to do miracles, at the same time until you know truly everything, you can’t say for that he was the best that he could be. You can’t say for sure that he did not make some miscalculations while he was embodied and on the face of it, it appears that he went out poorly. I think that it would have been cool if he came back 15 times, a hundred times, why stop coming back? Why not make it absolutely known what the truth is. Why allow there to be an interpretation and an argument over what truth is?

s. Good question.

d. So how well did God embody there? Pretty darn good, but was it good enough? Was it good enough to save the world? Apparently not, apparently not, the world isn’t saved, is it? Not from my point of view.

s. But the world, those who are saved …

d. Oh yea, yea, yea somebody that was really, really good and did everything that Jesus said, we can kind of pretend that he is saved, is that what it is?

s. Those who are saved, don’t they have to be at choice to be saved? If I don’t want to be saved then…

d. You’re not looking at the level I am asking the question on, here it is so that you can understand it.

s. OK.

d. If divinity is in front of you, it wakes you up to your own divinity, because you see the truth of yourself in the other who is divine and when you know what the truth is, guess what people do? They embrace it, they go towards it. When the truth is wonderful, when the truth is awesome, when the truth is a joyful freedom for you, you embrace it as soon as you know what it is. The only reason that there is confusion amongst faiths is nobody really knows what’s true, they are all stories, there is no experienceuality in it. If truth was definitely known, then it would be obvious and so what can we say about that based on this? We can say nobody knows the truth demonstrately, because nobody is able to come here and change this reality by their presence here. So if that is demonstrately the case and I would say that there is a pretty good argument for that, then you have to say OK I can’t use anyone as my example. I can't pattern myself after anyone, because everyone failed in bringing heaven to earth, everyone did, even Christ, even Buddha, even Krishna, all of them did. They all did great, but what else was needed? What else did they need in order to change the world, if in fact changing the world into an enlightened state of cosmic consciousness was what their purpose was?

s. I get what you are saying, but aren’t you making some assumptions that agency is no longer in the equation?

d. No, I am not at all. Agency is always in the equation, what I am saying is free agency always chooses the truth for itself and if they are not able to deliver the truth in such a way that everyone that they interact with can see the truth, observe the truth.

s. So Lucifer could not have seen the truth else he would have chosen it?

d. Why don’t you invite him here and we will talk to him about it, if you want to talk in the abstract. I prefer to talk in the present.

s. Yes, no it is just a question.

d. OK, hear Lucifer what was the question? I will speak for him, what was the question?

s. He could not see the truth or else he would have chosen it.

d. Ask him a question, don’t make an observation that you don’t know is true.

s. Would you have chosen the truth if you had seen the truth?

d. Of course!

s. OK, So did you see the truth?

d. No.

s. OK. So everyone who can see the truth will choose the truth?

d. Absolutely.

s. Why?

d. Because it is in their best interest and everybody always acts in their best interest according to their understanding and ability and observation. They always do.

s. Good point. Actually..

d. It’s a tough one for you to refute, it can’t be done.

s. No, no I am not trying to refute it, I am getting my head around it.

d. Yes it takes a bit, because we are taught to judge others as being wrong, nobody’s ever wrong, they are always making the best choice that they can according to the available information that they have.

s. Yes.

d. They always do, everyone does. They realize later that it was a mistake when they have more information, but at the time they thought that it was the best choice.

s. Yes, like this guy thought that it was a good Idea to put fresh tomatoes on a pizza instead of cooking the tomatoes.

d. This is great crust man.

s. Choosing truth, is that always in their best interest if they are motivated by power and control?

d. Of course.

s. If I can get a third of all humanity that has ever lived on this earth to follow me, by not choosing truth…

d. Ask me one question at a time and let me answer.

s. So that I could have a following, it’s still in my best interest if my best interest is about power.

d. No, it’s not. To choose to be unconscious and in power, means to have lost the knowledge of what power is. To choose to believe that power is dominion over others, that power is control over others against their will is the damnation of the entire reality that is it is being considered from. You may be a power in Hell, but why the hell would you? Why would you like to be the best guy, the most powerful guy in a bad neighborhood? True power is divinity for everybody, true power is freedom where freedom does nothing but bless the others. There is no divineness in that which does not cause the other to be better than you are causing yourself to be and there is no power without divinity.

s. That explanation is in regards to true power, versus what ones perception of what true power is.

d. True enough. Power is misunderstood here and of course people get into the trap of wanting to survive and when they figure out how to survive well, then they want to succeed.

s. When you say survive, are you talking about the body surviving?

d. Yes of course, whatever it is that you consider yourself to be and everybody considers themselves to be the body that they are embodied in.

d. When you see an opportunity for unlimited freedom and unlimited power and you like the life that you’ve already got, or at least you don’t know what it would be like for it to be a lot different, completely different, absolutely different, it freaks the body out. You are not the body, but the body has consciousness, you’re not the body, but the body wants to live and it wants to have things to be ordered in a predictable manner. It does not want to not know what is going to happen tomorrow. It wants routine, it wants systems, it wants predictability.

s. And the spirit wants flow, free flow.

d. Ability to respond instantaneously from moment to moment according to what is in front of it and how to dance the divine dance. That which is not divinely conscious freaks out with that, because it does not know how it is going to maintain its reality, if that’s what’s going to be happening to the body.

s. It’s learning to become comfortable in free fall.

d. It freaks out every time, but less and less and less.

s. Isn’t that part of the path of the progression of enlightenment?

d. Maybe, let’s put it this way; whenever you choose to be more than what you are, it happens instantly. However, the increments are usually so small, that you don’t realize that you created a mini miracle in that instant. You had to keep choosing for it to me more and more and more in each and every following instant for there to be an observable transition into a higher conscious reality, that you can see is a new level for yourself and that others can experience when they go; there is something different about Steve now. I don’t know what it is, but I know it is nice.

d. When you don’t check your current reality against what you absolutely know to be true, then you are being washed down the stream as an unwilling participant in the game of life.

s. Your winging it.

d. It is a lot better to wing it than to have pat answers,because in the winging of it you can observe your own unknowing and at the same time you are giving your opinion you can start searching for where it frees up, where the conscious answer to the question is and you can move in that direction and end up with the truth, if you observe what is without identify with it. As soon as you identify with it, then you can’t answer the question that is unavailable for that identity to know. As soon as you say here is an identity and here are the characteristics and here is what it does well and here is what it does not do well, here is where it is able and here is where it is unable. As soon as you take that upon yourself as your operating basis, then you are lost and there is no way out for that identity. Because truth is not in identification it is in dis-identification, until you are only absolute truth. You don’t have to find the truth, the truth is always there, you have only to let go of the lies. That is the simplicity of it, truth is obvious when you let go of lies.

d. If you don’t know what the truth is, then you know that your truths are lies. That which you hold to be true is not true if you are less than God, unfortunately. If you are less than divine eternal consciousness then you have accepted something that is not true as being true. It can’t be any other way.

s. You have to be willing to let go of all of it.

d. You have to let go of all of it, because if you don’t know, then how can you decide what is worth holding onto? You can’t you let it all go. Now there all some things that you have to qualify when you say something like that. So there is a problem with absolutely accepting a statement like that, once you enter into familial and business relationships and obligations towards others.

d. What do you do when you desire to serve truth and know truth when you don’t know what it is and you feel obligated to maintain the commitments that you have already made to your family, to your children, to your wife, to your mother and father to your brothers and sisters?

s. To your ancestors, your ancestors may have another belief system now.

d. Of course they do, they don’t even need a belief system. Only unconscious souls need a belief system, the rest of us are in actualized states of consciousness where we know what the answers are. We are not in a state of confusion; don’t curse your ancestors with that, they are not there anymore, because they are not here anymore. Confusion is here, not in heaven.

s. Who said that they are in heaven?

d. They are in heaven if they chose to be. If they are not, it is a pointless discussion because they are where they chose to be in any case and in all cases its ok and in no way do you need to limit your reality in a positive way in deference to somebody who is less than that or more than that. You get your choices, so what do you do with your given circumstance when you have said Ok I get to choose a few things that I am going to hold onto because I really can’t let go of everything?

s. You can but you are going to go it alone. That either requires great courage or great stupidity or a combo.

d. What am I going to be honorable about? How does it work for everybody? If everybody lets go of everything at the same time, maybe it would be some sort of divine circus, I don’t know. lets say that reality is going to shift slowly rather than instantly into heaven on earth Ok? Let’s say that there is going to be incremental improvements rather than a split second change. If there is going to be a split second change then yes God willing go ahead, I am not going to stop it. May there be heaven on earth for everybody, I am in support of that who wouldn’t be? But let’s say that by observation right here, right now, that in this world as we perceive it, I don’t see any heavenly workers trying to make it here, like it is there.

s. On this earth?

d. Yes, where are they?

s. Right at this table.

d. Let’s say that they are divinely able, let’s ask some of the others to join us, that would be fun. Is there anybody that is disembodied that is granted the right to interact with sincere enquirers on truth here? OK of course there is. To what degree are you allowed to manifest here? OK, they are not going to go on camera and they are not going to sit down at the next table in a body of energy that mimics the appearance the appearance of a human body so that we can have an embodied angelic being to communicate with. But the one nice thing about heaven, divinity, God and the highest states of consciousness is that there is never an end to the communication, it never stops. It’s ongoing continuously and all that you have to do is tap into it and then as quickly as you are able to relax yourself into the knowing that you can receive eternal truth as soon as you wish for it, to the extent that you are willing to receive it, you do. So all you have to work on in your life is, how much more eternal blessings, divine blessings, heavenly blessings, Godly blessings can I receive in this instant right now? How much can I open up to receive what God is willing to give me? How much? Take a minute and feel how much you are willing to receive right now and then decide that you would like to receive a lot more because that was nice.

s. It’s shocking to realize how much we are not willing to receive.

d. No kidding, because that unwillingness to receive divinity into what you consider yourself to be is what keeps you in hell here. It is what caused your damnation and this unconsciousness is not a gift, it is damnation.

s. When you asked that question I noticed…

d. The limitation of your willingness to receive, of course its shocking isn’t it? It’s shocking that you won’t allow God to bless you with what he wants to isn’t it? It’s truly embarrassing how little you are willing to open up to divine states of grace and joy.

s. I wasn’t judging myself I was just noticing that it is possible to open up.

d. It is only your willingness to receive that limits you, that’s all, that’s the only thing. There is no other hold by another consciousness that limits us.

s. And if we muscle tested that we it would test that that is true. So it is not about God damning us, it is about us damning ourselves.

d. And it’s not about the devil having a hold on us and doing bad things and making us do bad things either.

s. I have never bought into that.

d. Of course there are bad beings out there, beings that want to limit you, but guess who their targets are? The people who have already damned themselves and want to have that experience, the dark side when it has an opportunity to interact with you is limited solely buy your own previous choices to have those experiences and so can act in no way that you were not preprogramming yourself to receive. How’s that?

s. You are preaching to the choir.

d. You got me at a level of 2 puffs; I like 10-15 to go where I like to go.

d. If truth is what you are about, then you have to admit the things that you do at least to somebody. The things that you do that are not generally agreed to be beneficial to a truth seeker. So I am proposing that there are a number of herbs that in fact significantly aid your spiritual evolution, when you take them with the intention of opening up your consciousness into divine realms. What that is, is a long prelude into my admission that yes I do think that Marijuana and Hash are one of the gifts of God to man, I truly do. The same thing with mushrooms, magic mushrooms, it’s a real shame really, that those aren’t available in the corner store with a label that says; if you choose to know more about everything, I am a facilitator that will help a truth seeker find what it is he is looking for.


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