
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Linda K De Narde wrote:
> This something i recognized in my thing with Nathanile . David
> have I clear on my intention and where i was at and feel ok with it =
> and did not see as a obstacle it was quite in lightening on many levels
-moving in my divinity -if all feel they were above all that so be it , peace
love and joy

Hello Linda,

My writing was not directed at or in responce to anyones communications, other
than my own habitual perceptions and their lack of eternal divine clarity. I
believe that these internal points of view and habitual responces are at the
core of our living life less than our divine truth.

My writings and meditations are directed at removing my filters that cause me to
perceive life other than what it is now and what it has the possibility to be. I
share them because once in a while, they help me to have a realization that
allows me to have a shift in my reality into a more free and enjoyable one and
that is my wish for everyone else as well that they be here light and free while
knowing eternity.



1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your wisdom. You are helping me. I have been giving much thought to fear removal, love, control, etc. I have not had a breakthrough yet. But my enlightenment is increasing.

    Love is knowing that you/I will not hurt another; and accepting that if they hurt you, it was not intentional, it was or could be something of that other person's constitution. We show respectfulness to ourselves in knowing that it is part of our journey. God has carried us to where we are now. He will take us to where we need to be, wherever we are suppose to be. Yes. It is time to rest....enjoy all God's wonderful gifts. Namaste! Peace to all.
