
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, June 10, 2011

You are nothing

“I allow God to be glorified through me.” There is no better mantra than this that I have found, to break loose and free up, from what is, that is not, what I prefer. The nice thing about this mantra is that you don’t have to consider yourself worthy of it. You don’t have to consider yourself special, you don’t have to be anything or anyone, you just have to be willing to allow God to be glorified and in that process you will experience ultimate freedom, self realization and the knowledge and essence of your own true self. Relax into a mediative allowance for this to be true and the freedom that you have wished for, for yourself will be realized.

The dichotomy in this is; I am nothing of worth, if I am not in allowance of God being glorified through me. You have to allow yourself to actually be nothing, in order for God to be glorified through you, but in that nothingness of self, is known the truth of eternity. For the clarity of the vessel, of the temple of God, has to be as though it is nothing, so that nothing colors Gods expression as God moves through man. So you are nothing and yet all is known through you. You are nothing and yet everything that comes through you is eternal truth manifest. You are nothing and yet have fulfilled your purpose in life.


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