
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Your freedom is found in watching

If you don’t do anything except observe, watch and wait, then all of lower consciousness will move through you without stopping. There is nothing that you need to do about it other than observe, if you go into action to do something about something that is impinging on you, your consciousness or your body; you have engaged it and if you engage it, you have then bound yourself and married yourself to an interaction with a polarized consciousness, at a level of consciousness that only the insane would engage in.

Your limitations are held in place by where you’ve engaged life as competing participant. If you refuse to engage it and just look, it will move through you just like you are watching a movie and like watching a movie, it will soon be finished.

God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son to the world. The world of the damned, of the stopped, of the failed and of the unwilling to know the truth. God knows why.

Life only affects you negatively if you let it, allow life to move freely. In this moment that you are now, don’t do anything about anything except be aware. Just to be clear; it is in your moments of contemplation of life, where you are alone, where you can be aware without distraction. That is when you watch without doing. The rest of your life you better do what needs doing in order for your life to be successful.

In your observation, as your looking, as each thing that comes up and asks for your involvement, remember; you’re not doing anything about it, “your just watching”


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