
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

In harmony with the divine flow

As you feel those things within yourself that you would like to change, realize that those things are there because they are in harmony with the you that you have been and so, simply allow yourself to be fluid, to be moved in harmony with the divine, with the divine flow and in that, all the obstructions: the barriers, the bonds, the limitations that you have, will be washed away in the infinite knowing, that love is the way that you are going to be free here.

Allow yourself to be love, at least within your body, for yourself. Its only logical, its only sane, its a demonstration of your sanity when you say: “yes, I’m truly loving of all that I am” and then allow yourself to shift in a continuous harmony of that being the truth of you. So allow all that is not in harmony with the divine flow being that which defines you (if anything can define you) allow the defining flow of the divine to be that which defines the you, that you are.

Flow with the divine, jump into those waters and allow yourself to be swallowed up in the pure divine power of creation, in absolute pure love and support for all life here. Allow yourself to be swallowed up in that, that will be better than what your current and past choices have been for your self. 

Feel yourself and allow that self to be in the divine flow: in harmony with the divine flow, in unison with the divine flow, in absolute aware consciousness that you are moving as the flow of the divine in this reality. Just feel where that is not true in you and relax into being done with that and shift into full allowance of the divine manifesting here through you and allow that to change the you that you have been here, into the you that you can be: the true you, the true me, the true “we” are one and whole. Wholly within ourselves and holy with ourselves and all others. Allow the divine flow to resolve all that you are here, that you have been here, that you are obligated to here, fully allow the divine flow within you.

Allow yourself to be free within your own body and allow tension to be a relatively foreign state to you; an unneeded defense of an unknown reality and an unknown opponent. Allow yourself to not need to be that as you, anymore. There is nothing within you that is foreign to yourself: embrace it all, know it all, be it all, consciously. 

I allow myself to know the divine flow by being one with it and allowing it to be one with me, allowing us all to know the truth of self, by surrendering into knowing our truth. Surrender into knowing the divine you, by relaxing out of the you that you have been, as the divine enfolds you, embraces you and refines you to the knowledge of your truth.

Your present here for yourself as the one who is divinely true within himself, so that he can be true to self. Be true to the divine in you as the truth of yourself. Allow yourself to change so quickly, that your realization of your circumstances into divine perfection, is the only alternative. Allow your sense of self to be without the control of the self who believes not in his own divinity. Let yourself go in the sweetest possible way: from a “good man” from a man with good intentions, to a man who’s best intentions are being exceeded, for everyone else.

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