
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Nothing has to be done here for God, for God’s sake.

For “God’s sake” nothing has to be done. There has to be: “nothing out of order” for God’s presence here to then be able to put into order, that which is perfectly in order already, yet somehow not fully fulfilling it’s divine potential.

Nothing has to be done here for God to be happy, believe me: God’s going to be happy regardless of what you do, he can’t help it, he’s God. He loves everything and everyone, enjoys every circumstance, is fully conscious and aware of every individual situation of every individuated consciousness that exists throughout all time space dimensions and realities and elsewhere. There are no surprises in Gods world to God and so there is nothing that you have to do to prepare for him other than to stop preparing for him.

If your preparing for God, it means that you have no understanding whatsoever about God as God has already fully accepted you as you are: as a fully able and worthy candidate of his divine presence being that which restores you to knowing the divine presence that is the truth of yourself. All you have to do is admit that you don’t deserve it and yet at the same time: there’s nothing that you can do to deserve it, so nothing needs to be done here if God realization is what you desire for yourself. There is nothing that you have to do to be worthy of that, to be prepared for that, to be able to be that without effort: the effortless understanding of the whole, wholeness and holy nature of God.

There is nothing within you or within your body that is outside of, or in disharmony with the divine plan. So, when you are ready to meet God, when you are ready to know God,    when you are ready to understand God, just know this: choice is the only requirement and then allowance: choose and then allow and know that there is noting, absolutely nothing that is needed for you to know God, beyond the wish to know. 

There is nothing in the entire world that needs to be done for full God realization to be the norm: to be the normal reality for us here, to be the normal reality for all creation. Just realize that it is all done, it is all complete, it is over, it is finished, there is no more work left to do, there is nothing incumbent upon “you” to further prepare for “the days of the divine” that are yours.

You don’t need to prepare for God: God will prepare you, when you are ready for it. You just have to decide when you are ready for it, thats all. When you are ready for it, God will prepare for you: so enjoy yourself, enjoy your life and love things the way that they are, until you are dissatisfied with the way that they are and find that you are willing to give your blessing to life as it is: the blessing of a godly being, to a life that is wonderful in the extreme and as it receives its blessing of allowance and approval and the acknowledgement of its perfection: then the reality awakens in the celebration of the divine, of the wondrous beauty of all of us, individually and together as a whole, where we celebrate the life that we are and the awareness that we have and we say: God bless us once more with the knowing of our truth, the truth of eternity, the truth of serenity: the compassionate love that we have aways been.

Your here as conscious as you choose to be. So stop striving to be different from what you are and decide what you want to be, after you’ve acknowledged the perfection of what you are already, first. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you are and what you’ve got, for you: there is nothing but God consciousness: the source of your love for all.

If you are suffering diminishment, it is either from your own self condemnation or from your going into agreement with the condemnation of yourself by others. 

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