
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

How could divine truth not be inclusive of you?

Part 2 of a visit with Carmen.

Yes, we are here: the divine is here as you and as you, wether or not you believe it or not. 

The person the you operate here as you: well, you’ve go to keep doing it, you have no choice in that matter, this is the body that you are carrying around and this is the life that you are leading, but, observe what the possibilities are for you in your life here as a fully consciousness divine being. Oh my God, I have to take a sip of tea on that one : ) Mmm, ahh, now thats divine. 

The reality that your consciousness desires requires a conscious community. You come from a family that has a pretty good chance of being conscious if they really wanted to and if they knew somebody that was and did transform herself into something that they could admire in every way. They would say: me too, me too. The truth of you is something that is worthy of admiration in every way, from everyone that you will ever meet. So know that I welcome that of you, because I too, want to be surrounded by those who are conscious and choose to know whatever the ultimate truth is and allow it to be expressed without shutting themselves off from it. 

Saying that: “I am separate from divine truth, that divine truth is “over there,” I know it,” “somebody told me and I believed them,” “so don’t try to talk me out of it.” 

How could divine truth not be inclusive of you? And, of everything? And, of everyone of us? 

Keith calls. You ruined my fun, you did not listen to my voice mail did you?

I did not and I am having a wonderful visit with a very enlightened person, unlike yourself who considers himself an endless seeker of light and yet shuts himself off from it. Ha ha.

Keith: well…

Ha, ha. This is someone who happens to appreciate my consciousness, unlike you who considers me lost and fallen, damned and down and out.

Keith: Ha. I went to a cocktail party at the Norton sculpture gallery in Palm Beach and met an old friend of your’s: Ron Parker and I was trying to surprise you with a phone call from him. (goes on…)

I’m sorry I spoiled your fun, by being on the phone when you called.

Keith he’s really a delightful person. 

Yes and he has some funny stories too. Anyway I need to go, I just didn’t want to keep ignoring you.

Carmen: He talks and talks and talks.

Yes, we used to meditate together a couple of hours a day in New York City almost 20 years ago. Neither one of us did anything except play and I had an apartment across central park from his and he would come over at noon each day and we would sit in silence for a couple of hours and then go have lunch. That was our daily routine and that’s the freedom that you have as a single woman now. Its not so bad, if you have money to support your life. So, do we wan’t to get into that in this session? No, no we don’t. You can already figure that out, your consciousness is such that you can decide what to add onto what you are doing to take care of that. 

Carmen: I don’t have one peso. I’m trying to stay calm with that, I stay very calm with that issue, but you know what I owe keeps growing and I have to generate the money and there is something else: when I get money, I get rid of it very fast. 

The denial of your truth to yourself, is what results in your unconsciousness, your unawareness, your frustrations, your angers, your inability to be here magnificently. Feel that possibility within you now: feel it; the possibility of being here magnificently. Mmm, its a nice, feeling. Allow it to grow within you, give it freedom to move in anyway that it want’s within you. Until you realize that: oh, you’re just reawakening to yourself. It’s not “it” and your not. Your, ”it,” 
You, are, it. 
And because you are it, if you condemn yourself: whats going to be the result? What ever you decided in the condemnation: “I condemn myself” “I am not worthy” = Oh God is my life a mess: “I’ve got this guy...and money, ugh, get me out of here! 

OK, thats what I am doing. This is a “get out of jail free card.” Do you know why? Its because:
You’re the Warden, 
You’re the prosecutor, 
Your the judge, 
Your the jury, 
Your the state, 
Your the country, 
You’re the universal source for determining your existence here and your presence here. So, awaken, within “this” yourself. There’s no prerequisites, when you’re God, its only YOUR CHOICE that limits your reality and/or frees it, no one else but you. 

Free your reality from that which you are tired of experiencing! How about that? Who could fault you with that? Because the only people that would, would be somebody who is tired of experiencing you too and so your mutual choice would be not to experience each other anymore, bye, bye.  

Self condemnation. Not in my presence you don’t, I don’t allow it. Be here magnificently or don’t be here at all. I don’t mean that as a condemnation, its an invitation by one who knows what it is to offer that to somebody. 

Be the source of magnificence here, 
Its your truth, 
Its your destiny, 
Its your eternal present and presence and would be such a wondrous gift to present as a present to this reality. Come on. 


Thats how deep it gets in interpersonal relationships. Really dense and difficult to function here consciously. So value your freedom that you have to awaken without opposition or interruption. Go home each night from work and be free to allow yourself to be revealed to you. Know what it is to know and, then do. 

So, you’ve spent five years listening to people who charged to give you advice and most of it was well intentioned, but how many of them invited you to divine realization in the moment and provide an opening for you to experience yourself as that? 

So here it is: allow the divine as you. There… allow that arm to be free. 
Feel what it is, let it go.
Feel what it is, let it go.
Feel what it is, let it go.
Feel what it is, let it go.
Let it go.
Let it go.
Let it go.
Let it go as you feel it. 
As soon as you feel it: let it go. Don’t push it away, but as soon as you feel it: you’re done with it and your onto the next level and as soon as you feel that: your done with that and the next one opens up and as soon as you feel that: your done with that.
Feel it, you’re done.
Feel it, you’re done.
Feel it, you’re done.
Feel it, 
Got it, 
Know it, 
Understand it instantly and 
Your done and onto the next layer of unconsciousness.

Feel it, know it, understand it instantly, let go of it, your done.
Layer after layer,
Level after level, 
A continuous surrender and release by divine knowing and understanding contacting the you that you are in every conceivable position in the universe of consciousness.
Feel it,
Know it,
Understand it, 
Go it,
Let it go.

Absorb the consciousness that was in a state of confusion back into the light of the knowing of self. 

End of part 2 a visit with Carmen.

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