
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, May 01, 2013

The divine You is a revelation of the truth that we all are

A visit with Carmen Part 3 

You have to start off from where you are, but you don’t have to stay stuck there. As soon as you realize that you are stuck: you can notice your circumstances there and realize that you are done with that: “Oh, done with that,” how about this one? Stuck here too? Oh yes, I am done with that. Where else? Oh yes I have always been stuck there, Oh my, how horrible is this? Yes, it is horrible, got it. OK, 
done with that, 
done with that, 
done with that, 
done with that and then instead of just looking at one frame of the movie: you can let the movie play itself out. You don’t keep holding on to what you just saw: its done and over with instantly and there is now and there is what now is becoming. 

We both have our troubles, we both have our issues, but right now we can allow for ourselves and the others to experience a state of wonder within themselves. Yes, we can allow each other that: as you allow me, I allow you. You allow yourself, I allow myself. We support each other in realizing our truth here and now… Here means now, here, is a point in time where you are conscious. “Here,” always means “now” as well. So you are here now as whatever you are willing to be. Now open up to more, 
and more, 
and more, 
Open up to more and more divinity, 
more and more love, 
more and more freedom, 
more and more understanding, 
more and more consciousness, 
more and more wonder here for you. 

Don’t let your interactions with another be the determining factor on what you let yourself know and what you are willing to let yourself be. 
Don’t be bound by agreements with those living in unconsciousness. 
Don’t submit yourself to their requirements for you. Know what God wishes for you and wish that for yourself and when you do wish that for yourself: you will know yourself as God, because thats your truth. So, God bless you, God, bless yourself right now. Bless me too, bless me that I might be my truth here. Support me in my choice for that also. Nice, 
thank you.

Carmen: God bless you.

Nice, to hear that from someone who means it. Its nice, to hear that from someone who means it. 

Carmen: God bless you God.

Now say, “I bless you.” There is nothing that any one can give more than that.

Carmen: I bless you.

Because there is nothing more real than that: the direct blessing from you to someone else in their experience of you, thats who you are in your truth, a continuous direct blessing to everything that you interact with, beginning within yourself, until you are fully free and fully one with universal truth and absolute divine presence and expression of that as your knowing and identity of self, to yourself. 

We’re just trying to get this into the unconscious parts of you that are self identified as having lost something or lost themselves.

Carmen: or someone.

Some how, you are “less than what it is you would like to be.” The funny-thing is, 
you have always been infinitely free, 
you’ve just chosen oddly for yourself up to now, thats all. 
Odd choices, given that you would prefer it to be otherwise and you-are divine in nature. Where’s that conflict within yourself? 
How do you continuously condemn yourself to less than your truth here? 
Its kind of silly isn’t it? Um Hmm. 
Stop it, 
stop it right now. 
I don’t condemn you for anything, ever and I know where you are at, so I know what you have done, and: so what? 
God says a big, “So What?” 
Are you ready to wake up? 
Are you ready to come home? 
Are you ready to be welcomed by those who know themselves truly and to be redeemed, reclaimed, restored and renewed in the knowing of eternal truth as you? Why not? And why not me too? OK?

Lets do it. 
Lets do it me and you. 
Lets choose to end this farce: these pretenses that we live these lives as. Not into a situation that is worse than what they are, but into a situation that gracefully, realizes: oh wow, “I can do good here, I can do real good here in every sense of the word and in every possible circumstance.” The divine you, can do real well here, for us all, for us all. 

The divine you is a gift to us all, 
a gift to all creation, 
a gift to all consciousness. 
The divine you is a revelation of the truth that we all are, a beacon of light and a remembering of: “oh yes! Me too! Me Too.”

So awaken to your truth, gracefully, peacefully, calmly, causally and know that God hasn’t hit the peak of its manifestation here in you yet. 
Allow for it to get a lot better for you now in this instant. 
Allow God to have her way, through you, right now. 
Allow God to move as you and to awaken you to the truth of yourself. Right now without any resistance from you, without any silly self sabotage and self condemnation stopping you from knowing the truth of yourself. 

What do you need to feel whole and complete within yourself right now? What do you need that you don’t have to be whole and complete right now? We’re not talking about your instantaneous life change into immaculate perfection, what we’re talking about is: what is it that brings you enough freedom of knowing and understanding and realization, that This Moment is where you Began Your Freedom Here, where you chose your freedom here. You’re self realizing moment to moment as you feel your interactions in life here. Each time you feel one: you’re realizing your freedom there. Ahh, your realizing that you don’t have to move as you have in the past. Your free to be surprising to yourself here. Surprise yourself, surprise me, surprise all of humanity with a gift of grace and style and love and humor in a Godly way. Yes, yes, life is funny, isn’t it? Funny, what we’ve become here and isn’t it funny that we just realized ourselves out of that dynamic? 

End of part three with Carmen.

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