
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, December 07, 2013

A being of love being you

You don’t have to analyze how to choose better for yourself; you just do it and continue to do it and continue to choose for the better, despite your own intense, internal opposition to that.  

What we are looking for is to find infinite freedom within our own bodies. Its a lot to ask of course, but why would you ask for anything less if that were possible for you? If the infinite truth; (the truth which frees you without limitation) is there waiting and available for you, why would you ask for less than that for your self and be satisfied with it? 

You no longer have to be satisfied with less than the divine as the experience of yourself to you. You no longer have to experience yourself as a failed human, so allow yourself to shift decisively out of that and into that consciousness where what you wish for, you receive. Allow yourself to move through all that is resistant to that within you, until you’ve reached the conclusion within yourself that there is no “downside” to your opening to divine consciousness within you, whatever that means and however it resolves itself as it interacts with the “me that I have been” whatever the result of that is; we’re open to it. 

If we say that we’re open to it, then we actually-have to be open to it, which means that I have to be willing to change who I realize myself to be from moment to moment. I have to be free, for the me that I am, to realize all that is true. 

You don’t have to get lost in the realities that you attend to, those that you immerse yourself in. You don’t have to surrender your truth when you enter therein. All you have to do is remember that your truth is foreign to the consciousness that is here and so the right thing to do is to resolve it fully within your embodied self before you begin to affect others here, because why would you “resolve others limitations” from less than a perfect knowing, if a state of perfect knowing is available to you? If a state of perfect knowing is available to you, wouldn’t you open to it, receive it fully and know it as your own before you use only a portion of that awareness to suggest to someone else how they should be manifesting the divine life themselves? Not until you own it for yourself can you share it or deliver it to others. You can’t share that which is not you. Unless you realize it as yourself, unless you know it as you, unless you are open to the truth as the truth of you; then you have no time in the present to be presently divine. Now remember, you can resolve all of this within yourself by simply choosing to. 

If ultimate truth can be you, then ultimate openness to ultimate truth will be the realization of that ultimate truth moving through this reality as you and isn’t that what you came here to do; to be that which is a loving freedom to all? Isn’t that the truth of you? Isn’t it? A loving wish for all to be love, lovely, true and successful for themselves? living their wished for experience of life? Thats all you have to do is to meet yourself there where you are, fully in touch with what you wish for as your experience of life both in the moment and in the eternal; allowing them to share with each other exactly what will fulfill us in each moment and then in a symbiotic merger of all that is lovingly wished for, for you, it is then that you begin to open to the possibility of that of a being of love, being you.

A being of love being you. Hmm, ahh, its not such an ugly thing for that to be the truth of you. 

Open into a formal knowing and understanding of the divine way as an experience of yourself. Know the extent of what that is; the divine way as an experience of yourself. Is that what you choose to see as you look at life through your eyes? Then see it and be it. Live it; live the divine truth as divine truth chooses you to realize your truth within it. And, why wouldn’t it? It has, the divine truth has chosen you, so allow yourself to move within that expression of a truth that frees us in love.

If an experience is not a divinely loving experience for you and thats what you choose to have for yourself, if there is another part of you that doesn’t choose that also; then you are free to find those who will love you the way you wish for others to love you. 

Always allow the best for yourself; feel what is and feel it get better, and better, and better. Feel it get better and better and better and better for you. Better for you, better for you in each moment. Allow that reality to be true for you; a reality that continues to get better for you moment by moment. 

Divinity is a normal experience for all that choose that for themselves. Why would you fight yourself on that one (that the divine cannot be you)? Why would you propose that for yourself as a limitation? As something that couldn’t be true? Why would you say that your truth cannot be true here? 

Continue to allow for it to get better for you, no matter how great that fight against that is within you, it will release you from its grasp as soon as it realizes that it is a good thing for itself; when reality realizes that its releasing you to your freedom will be the freedom of it, then all will choose to be free and choose for everyone else to be free also. 

Whatever the capacity humanity has to improve itself; accept all of that for yourself, for it is in your humanity that the divine is saved, because the divine embodiment of man is the choice that we made to experience freedom as truth and truth as freedom. 

You need to choose where it should get better for you, its not impossible, its not impossible, its not impossible for you; so accept the divine possibility for you, accept the divine possibility of you.

Divinity is a cooperation endeavor; when one choose it, one wishes for and invites for the same choice in others, so that there is a relationship of the divine with the divine, both experiencing and being supported by the divinity of the other. You yourself being the sole arbitrator of your limitations here. Free yourself by wishing well for yourself and accept the divine gift, your divine gift for yourself as a gift of freedom to yourself, as a gift of peace to yourself. Peace, peace, peace within yourself, please. Peace within yourself, please. Choose peace within yourself, please. Choose peace within, choose for peace within, choose for peace within you. 

How do we allow ourselves to happen here divinely? 
How do we allow ourselves to happen here divinely? 
How do we happen here divinely? 

Choose better for all of this. 
Choose a state of bliss, realize that within yourself now. Its OK, thats how we free ourselves here: we realize bliss in the moment. Realize your bliss in this moment. 

The awe of life is that which give surrender to that which is love and the freedom that love grants you. Love yourself and find the freedom that you have within the loving of self, there you will find the truth that frees all of the temporal identities that you have, frees them by experiencing their share of self realization that divine freedom is theirs for the choosing. Divine freedom is yours for the choosing. So choose it.

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