
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

How does the divine, love as you?

If you don’t see yourself as God, then how could you be a good Christian fully sharing in the inheritance of Christ? 

Every God and deity has wished for man to experience himself as God and for that to happen, there must needs be men willing to experience divinity as themselves. One of my favorite mantras can be inserted here from my friend Rob, who robs you of your blindness, your darkness and robs you of your unworthiness, which restores you to the open realization of yourself through divine truth being known through you and the only truth that the divine can say is: the truth of God is the truth of all and the truth of all is known by one who knows the God within himself, the God that is true, the God that is you, the God that is newly and fully awakened within his human self and realized there for what he is eternally. Rob’s mantra is; “how does the divine move as me in everything I see and do.” Allow yourself to walk with that one as you move through life. Contemplate how the divine moves as you in everything you see and everything you do. How does the divine love as you?

Gods, Goddesses, the whole, the wholly wholesome, complete entire truth… I implore you all to welcome me, to inspire me, to guide me home with the truth of myself. What always comes from that of course is that the truth of yourself is the truth of God and the truth of God here is, that God is unaware of himself, unknowing of his truth, unconscious, blocked, shut off and damned. Stopped, from living his truth.
 So, that has to be OK! 
It has to be OK, that you not live your truth here, 
that you not know your truth here, 
that you not be your truth here. It has to be OK that the truth Not be found in you, because if that were not OK and things are as they are, then God would be living a life of tragedy: It would be better than this, could be better than this, should be better than this If something wrong was not wrong and it was righted, reclaimed and restored, remembered, regained and loved once more. 

But, maybe thats true too? Maybe its true that there’s a divine score playing underneath the consciousness of this reality. A theme song that is there always and when connected to: sings to us the truth of our remembrance. Tune into the song… your theme song, which is: the truth of you as your life moves in harmony with the consciousness and the presence and the movement and understanding, the awareness and joy for knowing and being that truth, as you. Holy, holy, holy, holy wholly true, wholly true for you. Be open to what ever that may be. That which is wholly yours, holy you and wholly true. 

Gods, Goddesses: I’m here as a man who wishes to know himself truly, who wishes to rise beyond the light and the darkness and into the wholeness of the truth that unites us all, the truth that restores us all, the truth that will redeem me. That is what I ask of you, bring me that which will end my confusion and love my fears and foes into submission. Allow me to feel your presence, allow me to know your truth, share with me that which you are and see within me the power of your own truth: 
the truth which unites you with others, 
the truth that ends the separation of self, 
the truth that love, true love, has been born again, birthed through you. 

Feel what it is for true love: 
the love that saves all, 
that unites all, 
that redeems all, 
that restores all, 
that reawakens us, each and every one to our personal experience of divine truth being that which we experience ourselves to be. Who could ask for anything more than that? And who would settle for anything less is a fool and a fool and his consciousness will soon part and faded will be the knowing of his experience of his true self as the divine true love of all: that which loves all into a joyful celebration of life. 

I allow divine truth, I notice divine truth and I move as divine truth more, more and more every day and in every way do I move as divine truth. More in this moment than in the moment before. More in the now, than I have ever known in this lifetime before. 

Walk in the continuous opening to more truth being true for you.

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