
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Divine consciousness contains within it divine love

What is divine consciousness?

Divine consciousness is unlimited consciousness, free to experience any reality, while remaining aware of your origin as a free being. A free being that can change realities, circumstances within a reality and locations, without opposition from others and in harmony with all points of view.

Divine consciousness, allows one to choose one's experience from all possible options, the more conscious, the more options.
More consciousness is more freedom,
Absolute consciousness is absolute freedom.
Choose absolute freedom.

Be conscious about where others are, in their levels of consciousness, so that you are in harmony with them when you interact. Do not have expectations, have awareness and act accordingly.

Use the right tool for the job at hand.

If you are in hiding, then you are demonstrating to yourself and to others, that you don't know, are not aware and are stuck in a fear based, body consciousness.

What about divine consciousness and the condition of my body?

Divine consciousness contains within it divine love. Do you love your body divinely?

What happens to a body that is loved divinely?

The time that you devote to others, for purposes that they are not ready to accomplish, is wasted time. Show your level of consciousness to yourself, by choosing the right person for each task. You don't have to hold on to something, that is not providing you, what you desire. Go to where what you desire is willingly provided, at a cost that you are willing to pay. Choose to be divinely conscious in your person and your choices for a divine life will be clear to you.

People are rewarded by their degree of effectiveness in providing what others desire. The past is the way it was supposed to be, everything is OK now. We are here.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:08 PM

    interesting take on divine love. thought you might like reading about the gita's view on divine love at
