
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The nature of reality

The Nature of reality, is not known to those in lower consciousness. The nature of reality, is not that hard to understand, once you are willing to trust that a loving consciousness, is here, to guide you towards your full realization of God consciousness.

The purpose of your existence, is the realization of God consciousness, from the viewpoint of a human being. This requires that you allow this loving consciousness, to assist you in overcoming and transcending the normal level of human consciousness and conditioning. That is based upon the struggle for survival and the accumulation of items, that you believe to be of assistance to you in living a successful life.

The successful life involves more than successful survival. A successful life is a life of divine love, divine understanding and divine harmony with all creation. This does not mean that you are now needy, incapable or unable. It means, that it is a challenging task to achieve God consciousness in a human form.

As you had the purpose of being God consciousness in a human form, prior to being born, you arranged to have assistance available to you, to achieve that purpose. That assistance is accessed, by recognising your purpose, recognising that you don't know how to achieve that purpose and trusting that Godly assistance is available to those that request it.

Once assistance is requested from God, you then have to allow for God to assist you, by allowing God to transform all of your thoughts, Ideas, beliefs, attitudes, decisions, judgements and considerations. Transmuting and refining all of them, until you are vibrating in harmony with God. At that point, you have transcended separation consciousness and have been redeemed from the fall of divine consciousness. Which is your natural state of consciousness and you have returned home to divine consciousness, while being embodied and have accomplished the first step in your purpose of being here.

The second step, is operating the body in your day to day life, while maintaining a state of God consciousness. At that point, your life begins to change rapidly in unexpected directions, as you are no longer a man, being moved by instinct, ego and societal conditioning. The body has become an empty vessel for pure God consciousness, to achieve its purpose. Which is the harmonious, joyful, interaction and perfection of all creation. You are then no more separate, but are one with God and yet fully yourself. More yourself than you have ever been, while in the body.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Your posts are transformative. It is a great pleassure to relate with the God consciousness as it is expressed through you - I'm grateful.

    You said in your post: transcending the normal level of human consciousness
    and conditioning. That's based upon the struggle for survival...

    My personal experience of this is of being able to step outside of physical existence and watch, being able to clearly see the enmeshment of human ways that keep us from rising to a new vantage point - that keeps us in the bondage of a primal struggle for survival. The clarity allows us to extricate ourselves from that bondage and live free.

    Your posts are helping to raise my level of consciousness.
    Lori Stock
