
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hello Tim,

Salvation or enlightenment is a simple process but not an easy one and It is the same for all belief systems whether Christian, New Age, Muslim, Buddhist or other. It is simple because God does do all of the work. It is not easy because it requires you to pay attention and give God permission to act upon you. The reason that you cannot do it yourself is because you cannot be saved as a created identity that is not real, or rather not eternal. The eternal you, is already saved and the you that you believe that you are is only a mask, role, valence or series of conditionings based upon your bodies experiences, histories, associations and programming. The eternal you is none of these things and so your redemption is one of a restoration or reawakening to the truth of your eternal self, a truth that your self concept or ego cannot relate to.

This restoration, salvation or enlightenment regarding your eternal true self cannot be accomplished by your false self. Your false self’s consciousness however low, is yours or an aspect of yours and so you are responsible for it and as it, you must surrender absolutely to divinity in whatever form or expression you conceive it to have, then allow divine truth to act upon what you consider yourself to be, which involves the removal of all false beliefs, thoughts, attitudes, considerations, judgments etc… The reason that it is not easy is the process stops as soon as it encounters something false that you cherish and are unwilling to let go of.
You have free choice of your experiences here and if living a lie is your choice, then you are left with all of them that you will not let go of.

God does all of the work, but you do all of the letting go which is by itself a supreme test of your desire to be free and divinely conscious.

Kind Regards,


"Tim" wrote:>> Hello David and all. The below is good. I have tried for years to > control and will Spirit to stay with me and the more I try to hold it > the more that redemption slips threw my hands like water. Saying that > new thought and new age people are always trying to rise up to God or > ascend instead of allowing God to come to them is a common accusation > thrown by some Christians. It is just Good to hear this perception > phrased as you say below. To me it has always just been a different > way of wording it or semantics. Words are important but They also > cause many problems in thier intrepretation.

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