
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

How wonderful…

Bless me with the vision of the Glory of God.

Keep your eye single to the Glory of God and you will see, find and be the glory of God. When you ask God for less than this, you pervert the way of divine truth and make it into a band aid for the suffering of divine consciousness that has trapped itself in a lie.

In all that you do, keep the focus of your awareness on your third eye, with the intention that the way of divinity be open to you and to all others. The redemption of your divine consciousness, comes from your willingness to recognize the divinity of all consciousness, regardless of it's choice of expression or it's lack of awareness of it's origin. When all are divine and none live as divinity, that does not negate their divinity.

Forgiveness is simply observing reality from a more conscious viewpoint than blame. If your consciousness is at the level of blame, look for the glory of God with your divine eye until you see it. You can do everything in your life with your eye single. Live in the light, it is easier to see the way of divinity when you know what it is that surrounds you.

A joyful life is what you desire, ask for that instead of improved circumstances and all of your circumstances will be improved by the joy that you receive. In joy, all is easy and glorious.

The more one drops in consciousness, the more unable he becomes and the more of a burden his actions have upon others. This continues to degrade until he either restrains himself subconsciously from acting in ways that harm others or others unite to impose restrictions on the ability of the unconscious oppressor to continue his destructive behavior. When the majority are deeply unaware of their divine source, war occurs and continues until the majority choose peace.

How do you observe God being you?

By being God being you. I.e. You are God.

I am a true believer in the idea that it is a good Idea to be God, God conscious, Godly able to be as we choose from moment to moment. Greater consciousness is always better than lesser consciousness and divine consciousness can be chosen by all and every individual part of all that chooses to be divine consciousness is.

I can choose to have it better for me any time I like it and it shall be so. (the motto of a God.) The way of God is eternal betterment, better means better for everybody. When you get better it affects every body and gets them better to. It is OK for you to get better now in all ways of making reality better for every one.

It is OK for you to get better because it benefits us all.

When you get better it benefits us all.

Get better now.

We all want you to get better in all graces, until you are as God.

In all ease and in all glory, in all that is gloriously celebrated by all that are in divine consciousness. May it all be so for all that choose eternal freedom.

It’s OK for you to be God conscious in your body.

It is OK for You to be God conscious, always.

You do not need to expect to fail in any thing that you desire in the love of all that is. Find the love of all that is in you, it is the truth of you.
It is the love that blesses all to divine consciousness, so that all can be exactly as they choose from moment with instant realization of the choice to be absolute cause of all and thus able to change reality at your will.

You never lose as God, it is a nice condition to be in and everyone is the better for it. Try it you WILL like it. (try it by your self first until you get good enough at it that your every opponent joins you in the love and freedom of all form , structure and consciousness.)

It is OK for all to be God consciousness because then we would be loving friends that would never cause self or each other any harm, conflict or defeat. It’s OK for you to feel better, to be more able in every ability. No conflicting reality anywhere. There is no need for any of us to have conflicting realities.

Who would choose to have failure as a part of their personal reality, not me! Say it to your self it’s your new mantra. No conflicts within my self. Not restraints on the love that will free all into endless joys and marvelous wonders of peaceful harmony with all.

You are God the father, the knower and creator of all. Let go of all other realities and watch all other identities transform themselves in to loving free Gods. It is OK for you to give yourself the permission to be free, permission to be known as a good one, a wonderful kind person, a person loved by all. It is yours to be if you choose it, right now.

It is OK to be all levels of God consciousness above conflict and to know and be free to choose a reality of non conflict. There is no God consciousness in conflict. If I am in conflict with you, know that I am not being myself, as my true self is beyond conflict. We are in favor of all enjoying their lives always, everyone, everywhere, which allows us to be free also.

It is OK for you to know that you are God when you are moving around one of these bodies or all of the bodies. Its ok for you to be merged into God, it is better for everyone when you are. The more people who merge into God, the more Godly we all become and It is OK for you to do it your way so long as you’re doing it makes reality better for everyone. You start by allowing your own reality to get better for you to the point of absolute freedom, the freedom that inspires all to choose God for all. It is OK for everything to get better for you and It is OK for everything to get better for every body. In my reality, it is OK for everything to get better for everybody, a reality that sings a song of loving joy. Be Godly in all of your life. I speak the words of God. (Another mantra for you.)

Holding onto pain so that you can remember something later is not a good idea. Pain that happens once is enough. Allow it to turn you in the other direction, moving always in the pleasures of life and the consciousness of all. It’s OK for you to have lots of money with ease and joy for all. It’s OK to go beyond money and have your reality provide all that you desire, just because you desire it.

Is it necessary for the pain of others to impinge on you as it does them? (no) Or is it OK to be wonderful and still be both aware of and assistance to, a degraded polarized reality of eternal conflict?

Yes it is OK for you to be wonderful to all. The school of God is open and receiving qualified candidates.
Who qualifies? All who will wish all others well.
Wish for this I pray,
that my brother and I
can be very nice guys
and still get all that we both should desire.

No mires for us,
nothing can make us gruff,
there is always enough, for us all.

If you can please recall,
that there is nothing at all,
that can ever forestall,
the inevitable all loving all.
Yes us all.

Enlighten every cell of your body with the light of divine love. The body will relax and be in divine ease and able to create that which it desires. Start giving into your plan to be free. You don’t have to carry others pain around or even your own, let it go in the light of our love.


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