
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Tune In, Turn On, Drop Out. Part 2

The light of God illuminates all for me.

A very nice mantra for those of you who use mantras, you may find this one to be particularly effective in raising your consciousness to the level of divine freedom. It has no oppositional connotation.

Your redemption is Gods work not yours. Another mantra you can use is My redemption is Gods work, not mine. Your job is to be still, watch and pay attention.

You are in an alien reality; don’t get caught up in it, its not important. Your truth will be revealed to you when you are able to take a step back from your involvements here and watch yourself, your reactions, your thoughts, impulses and desires as a dispassionate observer, instead of a desperado dummy.

All who are acting on the plane of reality are deluded and disconnected from their eternal truth. The path of the joyful master is walked by those able to let go of the seeming monumental importance's of this reality, importance’s that demand your action, participation and or opposition.

Once you get the cosmic joke that doing or being anything here is an invitation to trap your divine consciousness as a player in the polarized reality of conflict, competition and scarcity.

How do you free yourself? You quit. Quit begging, quit wanting, quit whining and start loving creation as the creator of realities that you consciously control, by the inspiration of the presence of your eternal consciousness.

Worried about money while you are trying to figure that one out? Find something simple, repetitive, and effective in providing you the income that you desire so that you can spend most of your time in the contemplative observation of yourself, an observation that will return to you your power of choice over your experiences here.

Regarding your thoughts, compulsions or impulses to oppose others, don’t resist them, don’t react to them, don’t align with them and don’t agree with them. None of it is you, just watch them all until they all just go away and you are finally alone with the truth of your self, a truth which is gloriously wondrous.

Take some focused alone time, consider watching your self instead of TV, the Internet or other meaningless distractions from life. Also practice being a Joy to your family and friends. You have plenty to cleanup in yourself without worrying about others flaws; they are disabled by their disconnection from their divine awareness. You can only help them and you’re self by regaining yours.

Consider the possible benefits in loving your body that you are interpreting this reality with. How? By watching and waiting before acting on a low frequency impulse. This will connect you to the state of grace; get to know it well, then refuse to move or act until it is grace and divine loving consciousness that moves you.

Remember this reality is a constant invitation to go unconscious and then stay there. Do nothing that it tries to impel you to do and do only what you know to be eternally true.

We invite you to be aware.
Aware of your options.
Aware of eternal freedom.
Aware of divinity.

There is no place for unconsciousness or duality to hide as the light of God illuminates us all to those who choose to see.

Tune your body instrument by;
Tuning In
Your awareness to the frequency of divinity by;
Turning On
Your ability to identify all impulses originating from lower frequencies and
Dropping Out
All controlling influences from consciousness that is not divinely connected.


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