
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Absolute enlightenment, looks like you.

I am allready God, is a nice mantra to experiment with.

Pure enlightenment is your natural, native state of consciousness along with a divine knowing of all that is.

Absolute enlightenment, looks like you.

The book of heaven says only one thing; Be ye therefor perfect. Perfect means; divinely joyful and loving for everyone.

Be the divine one for yourself, your friends and your family.

Do not assume that your current state of being is your ultimate state of being.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:38 PM

    show details 1/14/08

    Your postings are always of interest to me. I am behind in reading them, however. I have several deadlines, including delivery of my manuscript and a CD that will be bound into the book. That deadline is Tuesday, and I will not make it. So I have no idea what you are referring to below. I recall that many people have expressed appreciation for your posts on many occasions. I find your posts very enlightening. I assume that you also have been posting to your own blog, but I enjoy the fact that you are willing to post here also.

    What would I do if I were you? Make sure that my inner divine guidance is clear, and then follow it. Other than that, I cannot answer your question, because I have not recently read the posts.

    Regarding the "10 people" in your audience, the fact is that there have been several best selling books that promote Advaita Vedanta philosophy, and the Upanishads are among them. So my joke about the 10 people was really a joke and not the truth.

    Love and blessings,

    In a message dated 1/13/08 7:13:13 PM, writes:

    Hello Susan,

    Have my last postings been of interest to you? It seems to me that
    you may have been right about the number of people who are actually
    interested in leaving themselves behind so that they can experience
    themselves as God. I don't even know 10 who would buy the book, even
    though it is free.

    My experiences seem to me to be more and more refined and more and
    more soothing to my soul and at the same time I seem to have lost my
    appreciative audience on your forum. I can not change what I write,
    is it appropiate for me to continue posting on your forum?

    There exists a transition, available to us to be our true selves
    here. I am continuing to elimate my future commitiments so that I
    can dance the dance that is willing to move through me. From what
    you know of me, what would you do?

    Kind regards,

