
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


When you finally realize that there is no good reason to remain unenlightened while you are here, the sane thing to do is to ask those who are most enlightened, to take you home where all are enlightened. This going home is accomplished where you already are, as it is only a return to knowing all that you wish to know, by submitting all of your consciousness that is in an unknowing state to that which knows all about all states and conditions of knowing.

This return to knowing, opens up your body as a vessel for divine awareness to occupy. One, who knows all has no need for protection, defenses, strategies, worries or pretences and so can use the space that most fill with the cares of the world, as space for the presence of God.

God is present there already of course; you just don’t notice it until you place God first. When you place God first, then God has your permission to act through you until you are redeemed enough to know that you did not need redemption, because you have always been divine. That, which is not divine, is not you.

Gratitude to God for each step of redemption opens the door for the next one. A heart filled with other than gratitude will result in a life lived less than divinely. Try it for yourself, feel your heart and then repeat the word gratitude to yourself slowly ten times and you will begin to feel the pain that you hold there. A heart in pain is a heart in dysfunction, feel the pain and choose to be grateful that your path to redemption has just been shown to you. Repeat your gratitude for each pain until you love everyone.

To know what the barrier is between you and divine love and how you can overcome it, is a great gift, take advantage of it and be grateful for all that you are shone. Cain wasn't Able to be grateful for his pain, but Job was. The more you are Able, the less your life will be a job and the more that your life will be favored and blessed by a kind and loving God.



  1. Anonymous8:19 PM

    I was thinking of the word "Gratitude" vs. Graditude. Anyway, I am grateful for you every day of my life. Thanks for being in tune.


  2. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Sweet!!! Thanks!


  3. Anonymous8:33 PM

    you always impress me, although i have a different bent on singularity. it should be expressed my way.
    you see, for me, i feel everyone (as for my experience) wants the authority, evidence of light.
    i think the evidence of light is in the very seeming darkness and NOT in the contrast.
    people don't want to find out for themselves but to find someone who can justify their own certainties.
    what they don't want to find out for themselves is that there is nothing to find out
    that the very light they long for is in the seeing that is in everything already.

    i think timelessness and awakenness happen already... and will not be aided in aiding that.
    we are awake. the least the crutch, the more it would be seen. not in the way that I or you approve
    but in the way that it is happening... with and without my demand to see it, know it, understand it, etc...

    i really enjoy ug krishnamurti for that reason. i think he is also amazing.
    him and tony parsons don't advertise differences and possibilities... but help you to see that you don't need help.
    the totality of the universe is shining in and out of my eye. i can't escape. all spirituality is the desire to escape.
    escape the limitation, the perception, etc.. but these were never in the way. there is no way
    because there is no beginning, no result... only everything... "GOD" if you wish...

    if you like to be star trecky and into the divinity thing, i think its the same as anything else.
    i don't think, like you seem to think, that there are beings who have evolved.
    i think this is an illusion, which means there is no need to do so.
    God, if there is such a thing/nonthing, is much more magnificent than to enjoy riddles... except for kicks!!!
    WHY NOT??

