
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Divine grace come to me

It doesn't matter where our consciousness is, when it is used as a path and followed home from where we are aware, it leads you to divinity.

Instead of avoiding low vibrational polarized consciousness as an obstacle to your enlightenment. Instead recognise that it exists in another, because it is resonating with a similar vibration within you. Embrace the polarized point of view contained in this vibration and ask, where is the eternal truth in you?

Eternally true,
I know that you are,
now show that truth near,
instead of afar.

Far from the truth,
it may appear that you be,
when you engage me,
I engage you too.

Engaged we will be,
until the truth we do see,
come through you to me,
of your divinity.

Do not shy away from any communication, it is not a battle to be fought, or a wrong to be brought to the light. It is your challenge to commune with it, in allowance, until it transends to reveal the clear voice of God.

A voice in confusion,
will stay there you see,
when challenged on,
its idiocy.

A idiot when allowed,
to speak as he chooses,
eventually transforms,
into one of the muses.

Amusing to us,
as this process proceeds,
the master is revealed,
despite his misdeeds.

Misdeeds are confusions,
and resolved in a hurry,
when the divine one is listening,
the lies they all scurry.

into the light,
of the divine,
where your right.

Righted and straitened
strengthened and lightened.
redeemed and reclaimed
restored and adored.

Allow your divinity to connect to your lower vibrational harmonics and you will save the divine, by saving yourself and your right to be divine in form, function, knowing and consciousness.

Choose to be divine now and the future will take care of itself nicely. Choose divinity now and your future is determined by you consciously. Even better, choose divinity now and the present will fix its self by unfixing its self and flowing with the dance of divinity.

Divinity fears nothing, embracing everything in its presence, in its knowing of its and your divinity. Whenever you fail in expressing your divinity, return to your doing nothing at all and surrender to the divine way. When you get tired of struggling, look to divinity for assistance. Divine grace in form, is an event we all celebrate, regardless of its circumstances. I am happy to look to the divine for my saving, the alternative choice can only save one to the place where it is, its self. If you want divinity for yourself, you have to go to the divine for your assistance.

Your choosing of the divine, is in your welcoming divinity into your body and granting it the freedom to reveal eternal truth, to all of the consciousnesses therin. Welcome divinity to bless you with its grace and its eternal love of freedom, in it's granting of self determination to all.

The theft of your honor occurs when you act out, in unconsciousness. When you are unconscious, instead of acting, allow grace to rule you, until you, own grace and others see you, as being full of divine Grace.

Don't assume in your unconsciousness, that you know the outcome of anything, or know truth from a lie, the lies in truth and the truths in a lie. Instead, lie down on your comfortable couch and say;

Divine grace come to me,
as I want to be free.
and here I will be,
until you infuse me.

Then act out I will,
but not from my own,
my instructions I take,
will come from the throne.


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