
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, October 26, 2009

The only way to understand divinity, is as divinity.

In Florence with my friends Steve, Dan and Lonnie, they indulge me in my relative monologe on our purpose here in this life. Part one

In enlightenment there is no takeover, there is just a realization that you are that. It’s not something that you become it’s something that you realize. Realization is not becoming it’s just the recognition that, Oh yes, that is what I am. Once you wake up there it’s just a pure celebration.

When you feel like there is a danger of your loosing an enlightened state, that is when you start putting in computations of “It’s not going to be so great when I go unconscious again, which is happening right now and it sucks.”

How would you in this moment here, best use the knowledge that you have from all sources that you have access to, to be here as your enlightened self? Not a description of it but a demonstration of it. You don’t even need to say a word, I am willing to sit here and just observe you at your most conscious, the consciousness that is so present, that it makes everyone around you more present and they wake up and they go “oh yes, I lost consciousness for a moment, thanks for coming back” that type of presence that you know how to be occasionally, is what I would suggest that you be right now and in every subsequent now after that.

You enjoy yourself, you enjoy other people, but you don’t know how much even better it could be when you open up to what the eternal possibilities are from the point of view of an eternal consciousness that has full access to knowing everything that has ever occurred in every reality by every being that ever inhabited it. From that point of view, which is the truth of you, down loaded into the physical body and allowed to be the operator of that body, that’s what the objective here is as demonstrated by your presence here.

Were just working through the mass of significance that surrounds each of us, that prevents us from even being willing to take a peek of what our manifest absolute truth is and so we hide in stories that we are pretending to ourselves to be true, which are completely ludicrous and stick an identity there and pretend that this identity is everything that there is about you, when the enormity of your consciousness is such that there is no limits to it, there is no lack that exists in it. Everything there is about it is limitless, effortless and without opposition in any way, its not possible. That’s who you are in truth; the interesting thing that we are trying to figure out is why this reality exists? So we are coming here and saying; is there a problem here with a reality that is difficult for every life form that inhabits it?

Every life form that leaves here as a looser, giving its last gasp, beating it’s last heart beat where if its wish could be true it would like to be in its healthy prime, enjoying its life to the fullest. Everybody fails in getting what they want out of life and that is the reality here.
s. Everybody fails at getting what they want?

You could win the entirety of your life, but when you want to keep living and your body is dying, you are losing that battle of wills to have your body stay the way you want it to be and you are taken out of the game against your will by having a degenerative body that gets successively closer and closer to death.

s. So what is the purpose of this existence?

We are not trying to describe that in theory, we are trying to is create an actuality, right here, right now. It’s not a concept, it’s not a philosophy it’s a presence. It’s our presence of who we are in our truth. That’s what we are here to look at, we are here to let go of as many of the pretenses that we have, that the reality that we normally inhabit, is our preferred reality, is the way that we want to continue on through life and in life as. No, at least not for me, I want to know my truth here, I know Lonnie wants to know his, I know he knows a lot of it. God knows that you would like to know what’s true, you are looking in everyplace that you can to find it, you’re going outside the realms of the society that you grew up in, you’re looking in every likely place for it. Where is the truth, the ultimate truth, the actual truth? Well you can’t look for it in somebody else, it does not exist there, the only way it comes through is to exist as you.

The only way to understand divinity is as divinity and so if you begin to consider that as an option that might be true for you, that, that actually could possibly exist, when you start allowing your mind to go through those; could it be true’s? And on each asking of that, having that feeling, having that response of a higher level of consciousness coming into the body ever time that you consider; is it possibly true that we are truly divinity and nothing else? And as you consider that, you can only consider it by expanding out your consciousness so that you have a firsthand knowledge of everything that exists that could be an answer to the question that you are looking at and as you have to do that, then you became that yourself. Actually all you did was realize that in fact that is what you are. You have access to the entirety of this universe and everything else that you can wish for.

As I was saying before, what we are doing is we are coming here as our truth, to perceive if in fact there is a problem here with this reality and should we do something about it? But we had to come here and experience the horrors of what it is like to live here and to maintain your native awareness. What we find is nobody is doing it, you can’t come here as a divine being, most of the world believes that the last one came here a couple of thousand years ago and what do you know about the truth of that? What I know is that the truth is there are 6 or 7 billion people here that don’t really consider Christ their brother in all of the attributes that you would expect that statement to mean. If you are my brother then what do I know about you? I know that put us side by side and essentially we’re the same. There’s some little bits and pieces that are different that add a little bit of extra flavor in a particular way in the personality, but if we’re brothers, we’re the same, there is no difference to us. We agree on everything that is important and when we agree that it’s important that people should be free consciously to know everything that they want to know about reality so that they can deal with it in a successful manner if they choose to, so that they are actually cause over their life, consciously moment from moment and living the lives that they really desire to and experiencing all of the joys that they would wish to. So that’s what I am saying is worth taking a look at is; how is it possible to be in life as the knower of all that exists, holds it all within his consciousness and then chooses to come here and say; what do we like about this reality?

s. Almost impossible.

Yes and proven by statistics, how many actually take a look at it?

s. How many people really go for it?

All I am saying is; don’t make a commitment in the future, don’t say what you are going to do tomorrow, next week, next month or next year, but in this second right now, in this moment, say you know what? It’s good for me, it’s good for me if I’m divine in this moment. I can choose to go unconscious again later and I will, but in this moment I can agree that it is OK for me to be as conscious as it is possible for me to be. When you accept that within your body as an operating point of view, you are able to get on the consciousness escalator; where you just keep choosing to have it get better and better and it keeps transcending to a higher and higher level. But you are right; so far nobody has done it.

End of part one.

Dan and lonnie go to bed.

Part two.

S. seldom does it remind us of who we are, there are very few experiences of this reality that awaken us to our divine truth.

That is an accurate description of this reality based upon the way people are perceiving it. If you choose to allow for first the possibility and then the actuality of everything here being a reminder to you of your own divinity, everything no matter how unpleasant that we used to consider it to be, is a signal to us and not just a signal to us because that implies the possibility that we need to be awakened. We have to take a broader view of it than that, we have to take the point of view that we are the most conscious deity that there is in this moment, without being bound with anything else in order to achieve our potential. If you give to another the truth of yourself, then the truth of your self is another’s.

s. I am in you and you are in me, right?

If I put you forever superior to me, then forever inferior must I be. What I am suggesting is that there is no God that wishes that for his children. Ok? So there is no treating God the way that humans do, or a God you will not be too.

s. This goes back to a comment that you made earlier, which is why would this perfect God make all of these children who are messed up? That does not take into consideration of the potentiality or the requirement perhaps of eons of time.

Why would it require eons of time if it is divine?

s. I don’t know. The divinity is already there so why does it need time? Maybe it is through…

The only way you can get it is right now, there is just no other way.

s. You haven’t hear me yet, maybe what comes into play is the exercise, the practice of being able to live more predominantly from that part of ourselves that is divine, I.E. practice.

If you’re not manifesting that right here, right now, in this moment. Then you better focus on what it is or you won’t be demonstrating it.

s. Practice or doing away with, or shunning, quieting the false self. Yes the other is still there but maybe perhaps it’s the practice of being able to quiet the false self, so that the other can shine through. Kind of like the sun is always shining, but the clouds when it is overcast hide the sun, how do we get rid of the clouds?

How does one quiet the false self? The only way that I know is; for the false self to realize that it’s not the false self, that it is in fact also the truth of eternity. How’s that?

s. The false self is the truth of eternity?

The false self means; that which you consider yourself to be right now, in this moment.

s. That’s not true.

Everything that you consider yourself to be in this moment, none of it is true, OK? But, that is the guy, who it gets to be true for. That is what I am talking about, I am talking about the consciousness that is in every aspect a lie as to the nature of its true self. A complete moron, in terms of anything that has eternity connected to it. That’s the guy that you have got to allow to make it, you can’t keep trying to throw him away and say; glad I got rid of him and now I am free. No, what you did is just bound yourself for eternity. You have to let the awareness that you are, the awareness that you consider yourself to be, that’s the one, who gets to be divine. He’s not the one who gets buried, not the one who gets killed, not the one who goes to prison, not the one who gets knocked unconscious, down into hell, no, he’s the one that gets to get the big prize; the realization of all that is true.

That means that’s you, you are the false self, because there’s nothing that you know of eternity, truthfully. You don’t and if you don’t know eternally in its actuality, just admit that you’re not eternally true. But, you’re the one that gets to realize that it is, because you’re the one who does not realize that it is. The rest of you that is divine, has that realization and that reality already. The part of you that knows that it isn’t, that’s the part that gets to realize that in fact, it is.

s. When you say knowing, you say on a conscious level knowing, not a knowing from a beingness.

No, I am saying a knowing from beingness, a knowing from a conscious level of believing that that lie is true? No, or that truth is true, however you want to express it. Having a spiritual experience where you have a revelation that you are divine and that you are on the right track and you are doing really, really good? No, I am not talking about that. I am talking about the you that is superior to all that and every other reality, the you, that is as conscious as is required for you to be successful in everything that you do. The you, that is beyond the possibility of enjoying a reality less than you choose to. The you, that is beyond having a reality of less success than you choose to, beyond having reality even being a challenge to you. You have what you want, that’s the level of consciousness that you have.

s. The world of manifesting is what you are talking about.

What I am talking about is, taking the realm of your beliefs, of what you believe to be eternally true and having those beliefs becoming real and true for you in the now, not some future state, but a current realization of the body identified, false self, so that it realizes eternal truth within itself, so that there is no diminished consciousness in this reality, so that it is divine. Meaning; the reality of the divine is the norm for the beings that consider themselves to be located in form and structure. If you are a being that is being a dog, this is a reality where that dog is divinely conscious, just like you are and everything else is. That’s how paradise on earth happens, that’s how heaven on earth is manifest, it’s not because God is being so gracious as to be here with his peaceful presence so that we all want to be good, no, but because all form is that same consciousness. There is no diminishment in consciousness because of the diminishment or difference in form.

The forms play with each other in ways that are interesting I guess, but the forms don’t have to be the limitation of the consciousness that inhabits them. The same divine consciousness can inhabit all forms divinely without having a form dealt with in any way that it doesn’t enjoy. It gets to be good for everybody, that’s the rule in heaven. There is no superiority, it’s good for everyone, it’s great for everybody, it’s heavenly for everyone. That’s what heavenly means, heavenly means; it’s so good..

s. Equality

Not an equality below some possible peak, but the impossibly high peak of perfection as the norm for everyone. I am making a big challenge here, I haven’t paid attention to my body in decades and yet now I am saying, ok if the true reality that exists beyond all other realities is here right now, then I would be that. To try to be that when you are starting from less than an Ideal physical scene, is going to require a bit of a miracle in order to be the embodiment of any sort of a divine level of consciousness. As a result of this challenge, I can feel what all of the bodies limitations are, where the constraints are on this body being divinely conscious. It’s overwhelming, the combined sensations of all of those limitations when you put your awareness on why this body hasn’t allowed more truth to come through it. More of that which blesses everyone, isn’t that what divinity would be doing, is making everything better for everyone around them?

If in fact a divine being came here, then it would bring divinity as it’s gift to everyone and everything that comes within the realm of a conscious interaction with him. Anything that can connect with me on a divine level, I say God bless that.

s. Bring it on.

Yes, show me your divinity and choose to it from your divine truth, not from some hoped for possibility. Allow that aspect of yourself that is fully firm in its knowing and awareness of your divine truth, allow that part to truly show its divine grace, allow that part to help you realize that same truth for yourself, that part that is not yet fully realized in its eternal truth. Allow that part to know it too. The part that knows, gives it as its blessing to the part that doesn’t and the part that doesn’t, relaxes into the possibility that it can get better for them and they are looking for that divine hand to guide them through their reawakening and realization process. Well it’s just you on different levels of consciousness, taking responsibility for it all as the created and as the creator, as the savior and as the saved. You have to encompass it all for the eternal truth to be manifest through you. They are all you, every part of it and when the entirety of truth is realized within yourself, then the realization of all truth puts you in the position of reality being as you choose it to be.

s. I was at the bookstore a few hours ago on one of the streets of Florence, across from the stature of the Boar and there was a book on Michelangelo. It had Michelangelo in English and then in Spanish or Italian had two words Michael Angel and when I saw that it made me think of you and Sky Jones and the emphasis you put on names and I thought I wonder why I did not notice it before. You have Michael and Angel right there staring you in the face and at dinner tonight I had the realization that I am no longer a real estate guy, not that that is my identity, but in my profession I am no longer a real estate guy or money lender, I am an art guy. I wasn’t looking for it, I wasn’t looking to change my profession but I realized tonight that oh my heck, I am now an art guy and this is my new reality as far as my profession goes and it was amazing and exciting.

And how far can you go with that as an improvement in your reality? Can we put into that reality, that you are enlightened at the same time, now that you have become an art guy, have those realities merge into one?

s. My quick answer? No.

Of course it is no, because it is not happening in this moment, but would you like it to be?

s. Yes, certainly.

Then hold onto that and that part that is not allowing enlightenment to be part of your reality in this moment, just hold onto the idea that you would like it to be. You would like enlightenment to be your reality in this moment; you would like divinity to be your experienced reality in this moment, keep holding onto that as your choice of reality and that which is opposed to that reality coming through everything that you consider yourself to be, it’s like it keeps getting its fingers burned on a hot stove every time it gets near it, another part of it leaps into divine consciousness. Now from its perspective it feels like it is being destroyed because it feels that it is becoming less and less and less but what is happening is more and more of your consciousness is realizing its divine truth and that which doesn’t, feels that as a diminishment of itself instead of a blessing. So you just have to keep going to that part of yourself that is diminished in its awareness of the reality of divinity and you just keep embracing that over and over again until there is a full realization in the body and that is the only way that I have been able to figure out how to do it.

s. It’s one of the first experiences that I have had where I connected with the saying; Instead of me playing the piano, the piano is playing me. This transition has been very interesting…

Let the piano play you right now in this moment, see what happens if you just put your body into a position where it can be moved effortlessly and just allow your body to shift and move as it consciously chooses to, so that it brings into harmony everything that is out of harmony in your body. Allow your body to be conscious enough to where it can harmonize itself with its surrounding reality so that there is no disharmony within the body. That’s called physician heal thyself and because that’s the only way it gets done.

Look at this reality, none of those guys that the world believes to be heavenly is here right now, they are all stories. From the consciousness that says it and speaks it, to the consciousness that is hearing it, it’s only a story, it’s not an experienced reality. It’s a belief, it’s a hope, and it’s a wish that somehow that could be true at some point in some future reality, so that I can be free of this one, that’s where that is coming from.

s. Some future time.

It does not work that way, yes you can die out of this and go to heaven and that’s what everyone does, but that is not what we are here for. We’re supposed to be the embodiment of heaven here so that this reality has that as a choice point for itself. We don’t get that from looking to some dead stories that we really don’t know if they are true. Yes we can feel a presence when we say those names and recite those stories, we can feel a response to that spiritually yes OK.

s. We can feel that when we look at a Pieta.

What does that mean? All that it means is that when you put your mind on divinity, you get a positive response from it, so don’t put anything more into it than that. You don’t need stories or fables or anything beyond the fact that if you put your awareness on the divine, just your awareness in this moment, as in your awareness expanding out to embrace it so that you can know it. Not from some sort of study program or class or church that you go to, but in your own awareness in this moment, you expand out to embrace the divine so that you can know it. That’s all there is to doing it, enormously difficult for some reason, but the only way to know divinity is to embrace it and the only way to embrace it is to expand out your consciousness as far as it takes in order for you to embrace it as an experiential understanding.

Yes we can talk about it and discuss it and we will each think that the other is wrong, but how about we each just expand out our awareness and embrace the divine in this moment and quit arguing about who’s doing a better job of doing it.

s. I am not arguing about it.

But you are talking about something other than that being your experience right now is my point. That is our only point right now; to what degree can we embody the divine in this moment and not be embarrassed about it? So that we don’t shut it down. For some reason it is not Ok for that to be the truth of us. What is it in us that we shut ourselves down if for some reason, we maybe accept a true reality that makes it such here that nothing in this reality is a problem for us? How does that somehow become a bad effect on other people here because we don’t have problems and they do? How do we maintain our eternal truth without feeling bad for the people who don’t know it themselves and so we shut ourselves down to their level, so that we don’t feel bad that they don’t know? We damn ourselves to their level. If divinity were true…

s. If?

If divinity were true, don’t you think that it would be here? Huh?

s. Be where?

Here on earth, inhabiting bodies, at least one. Everybody is willing to believe in one truth, but how many people are willing to believe in 10 Jesus’es at once? No one, but that is what it takes in order for it to be true for you, which is what Jesus wanted for you. He wanted you to be his brother, to be the same, to be indistinguishable from him.

s. I believe that.

OK, so if that is not your experience right now, why not? It’s because you are not choosing that yourself in this moment, you are not allowing that to be your truth in this moment, even though you intellectually know that that is the right thing to do. You know that it is the right thing to do and you’re still not doing it. So allow that part of you that is so freaked out about the rules and regulations of society and consciousness and hierarchies and must do this now and must not do that now… Allow that part to quit freaking out and judging everything in this world as being inappropriate and allow that part to realize its own eternal truth; that it’s not it’s job to make other people look bad, to make yourself look bad, to diminish any other consciousness in any way and at that point you then can allow yourself the freedom to be divinely conscious yourself, because you’re not wishing less than that on anybody else.

s. So what keeps us from being that?

Only choosing it consistently.

s. The only thing that keeps us is our own choice.

Yes, so choose that right now.

s. and choices from moment to moment.

Show me the most that you can choose it in this moment, I want to feel it from you, I want to feel your divinity right now in this moment, as much as you can express that through this body and into this reality, I want to realize divinity through your divine presence here. I want to realize my own truth through the expression of yours. OK? I want your divinity to be so fully expressed here that I can’t maintain a lesser consciousness than that myself, because it is my purpose in life to duplicate the highest and the best in others.

s. That’s a good purpose.

Then choose it for yourself right now, you don’t have to choose it tomorrow, you don’t have to convince your psyche into weighing whether or not it is OK for that to be your reality tomorrow, because the only choosing point that you are doing is just for a few seconds right now. No considerations about it whatsoever; Is it good now? Choose it, divinity now. Choose it every 2 seconds within yourself, divinity now. Feel the unconsciousness leaving your body each time you repeat that mantra, divinity now, divinity now. It wakes up all of your sleeping consciousness, because when it hears divinity now, it has to go through all the possibilities as to what that can mean; as to whether it is a good thing, a bad thing, a self thing another thing or if it is realizing that divinity now is all of those things, it is all of those things. Everything gets to be divine when divinity is my presence, that’s your mantra. Maybe.

End of part 2

Part 3

I don’t mean to make fun of God, who would do that? Come on, help me gather my sheep, what’s that about? Why would he even have a reality where he has lost sheep? What kind of God chooses that? Oh my God, I am God and I am having a tragedy and I need somebody to help me. That’s the guy that we set up as our God? Wow, it creates kind of a sucky world, although there are some beautiful places like this to enjoy, but take the average state of consciousness on this planet; what a case of depravity and utter hopelessness.

s. Straight is the gate, waste no time. Right?

If divinity is not here, divinity is not coming unless it is you, that’s what I am saying. If divinity is somewhere else and could be here, it would, but it can’t for some reason and that is because; the consciousness that it is, is you. And so at this level of your experience here, as your manifestation in this reality, if you don’t choose that for yourself, it’s God not choosing it for himself and so guess what? God doesn’t get it does he? The only thing that can keep you out of the consciousness of your eternal truth is you, there is no other, that can keep a brother from being as true as he chooses to be.

What is your truth as who you are here, as who you are going to come to reality as here? What is your chronic level of consciousness going to be, or your stable, base level of consciousness? Is it going to be reading books about guys that are doing really, really good? That’s pretty good…

s. There’s a purpose there.

I am just saying to that guy who answered right now, that, that guy that is right there where that is his reality; The reason that this is your reality is because you are willing to have it get better for yourself. We are acknowledging that, but what we are saying is it can get all the way better and I would love to see you choose that for yourself, that is what I am saying. Choose all the way better right now in this moment, you don’t have to time line this into the future. But I would like you to experience your ultimate truth in this moment, because I would like to experience it also. This is pretty weird to have on tape stuff like this isn’t it?

s. Yes it is actually.

Now that we have that little bit of embarrassment out, allow that part that was being embarrassed to self realize it’s divinity and know that in fact no one else’s opinion has no bearing whatsoever on who or what your reality is. Your reality never changes from what you choose it to be, regardless of any reality that you inhabit or come across. It can maintain its own reality if it chooses, but so do you and you can go there as your eternal truth. But when you do, even though you are not imposing that on others, when you are here as your eternal presence, then that home frequency wakes up the other, because the other sees it’s truth in you. So all you have to do is choose to be here as the eternal truth of you and you will be the one who creates heaven on earth for you and your experiences.

Heaven is here according to the degree that the beings here choose to allow it to be their reality. Now your reality can be heavenly and everyone else’s can still be diminished. It has to start somewhere and if Jesus isn’t here right now, then Jesus isn’t here right now and aren’t we trying to live here in the now? Isn’t that what now is all about, actually being here now? Not in some story in the future that we don’t know is true? Or some story in the past that we don’t know is true?

s. Or some story about the now?

Yes, what can we say is absolutely true right now? My conscious awareness is located here. That I can certify. Since my consciousness is located here, am I willing to have it be here the best that my consciousness can be? Of course why wouldn’t I? Allow that to be your gateway out of your limitations, the fact that you actually will not stop yourself from being and knowing your eternal truth. You won’t limit yourself from that. As that becomes the conscious, aware, truth of the body. Then the world is magic, because your eternal truth is manifest through you and that is a beacon, or not hiding your light under a bushel, that’s being the light of the world, which is what a brother of Christ would be, I think.

If your Christian, if you believe in Christ, then you are as Christ in your truth or you are not being your truth and you ought to wake up and say; OK Jesus, here I am, just the way you wanted me to, just like you.

s. That would be something.

With another 2000 years of knowing and understanding to improve things even, because you have to admit that things are a lot better now, than when you were around. It’s because the level of consciousness has been improving for everyone. Jesus would not limit anyone from manifesting more than himself, in fact he said that very thing about his apostles; greater things than I have done will you do. So what does that mean? Don’t put him as your master, don’t put him as your goal, put him as the first step on your stairway to heaven. He was the first proven test case, you don’t set that out as an unattainable reality for everybody, you say; here is out prototype, it’s the best we can do right now. It’s working pretty good, we’re proud of it, we’re going to go in this direction, but we are certainly not going to say that’s the best that can ever be done. Would any good inventor do that? Would any great consciousness say, Oh my God, it couldn’t be done any better than that no matter how God like we realized we were. That is just crazy.

s. I hear what you are saying, but based upon results, what is the truth? Can it be done better based upon results? What is the truth?

Well it’s not something to intellectualize about, it is something to be experienced. Allow Christ to teach you what it is in this moment, I’ll shut up. But turn your mind of and allow that to be true. Christ in this moment would you express your truth to him in such as way that he can realize his own? We will accept help from even more than Jesus; anyone that is on Jesus’ team,

s. Or level

Or Jesus is on their team or something like that where they really like each other, anybody that Jesus gives thumbs up to, come on you can all help out, do your best with us. See if we are not just going to ignore it and say no thanks, we’re the keepers of this gate of consciousness and we like it the way that it is, damn it. Or God damn it would be the correct term, because that’s what you are doing is God damning himself to the level of the consciousness who drives to work or doesn’t drive to work, but just walks across the driveway in his pajamas. If that is going to be the truth of your reality for the rest of this body, OK, but allow that truth to be a conscious choice of being something less than what’s the divine, eternal truth of you. Know that that is not your best.

s. Most people don’t make that conscious choice.

By looking at the demonstrated reality, nobody is. Not even you or me who try a lot to do that and have some momentary successes but certainly not something that changes the way that it is demonstrately any way near what Christ or any other holy man ever did. Yes it’s a pretty pathetic daily existence. In terms of enlightenment or in terms God self awareness realized. Its ridicules, it’s like a baby’s cartoon in the reality of consciousness and choosing that as your reality.

There is an unstable reality here, unstable in a good way, which means the ability to transcend this stable reality of horror, into a reality of miracles, where we are divinely able, not divinely damned.

s. Which is how Jesus performed his miracles, because he transcended the reality of horrors. He was able to manifest.

I like the story too, but I would rather live the movie come on just like the devil. It’s my turn, It’s my turn come on God, it’s my turn… Oh no, it’s not your turn, damn you to hell. Is that true? Is that true? God damned the devil to hell because he wanted a turn at being like him, just like Jesus said that he wants you to be? God knows when the devil wanted to be like God that nobody liked it. Apparently not even God.

s. That did not go over very well.

Why not? What kind of heaven has one guy getting all of the glory? It’s pretty good for him, yes it’s pretty good for him, but what about for the rest of us?

s. Wait a minute, you just said. You just talked about Christ and how he wants all of us to be just like him in glory.

He wants him to be the prototype, he wants the him, that he was here, to be the worst that the worst of us do. It gets better every step not worse, every step towards divinity gets better not worse, think about it logically. Come on, transcend that level of consciousness where you can say that it can be somebody else but not you. Let that go, yes Jesus is divine, we are not arguing against that, what we are arguing against is the belief that what he said is not true. He said I am divine, be like me. So quit saying that we need to give some sort of preeminence to him, that we can never be that, that he is such a good guy that he gives us little tidbits every now and then on how to live our lives better, bull shit.

s. But we can all use mentors along the road, along the path.

No, no.

s. No mentors?

No, zero, zero. There is only one mentor and that is your own eternal truth.

s. Not even in the beginning stages?


s. So why do people write books?

Did anyone of them ever become God?

s. I didn’t ask that.

Because they love stories, they love stories and what are stories? They are fabrications and people like them, people like to write them and people like to read them.

s. Do any of those who write book have altruistic motives and want to help a brother?

Of course they do, there are higher and higher levels of consciousness, of course and it goes all of the way up to where it is, but how high is it by any of those guys who wrote books? Maybe there was some level of enlightenment, but were they miracle workers?

s. No.

Were they at a level of consciousness where reality shifts around them according to what they choose it to be?

s. Actually some of them have probably have worked miracles.

Wouldn’t that be nice, because that is another step on the stairway to heaven, is other examples. Ok, what was it like to be Christ, let’s see? Follow his example, what does it feel like in this moment to be Christ? That is following his example, because that is what he wants you to be is right now, his brother. And so you have to say, OK I better experience that right now, I am in his footsteps, what do his footsteps feel like? How can I be the fully able brother to him that he wishes me to be in this second? You relax into that and you feel the freedoms and the increase in consciousness and you keep allowing that to be true for yourself. That Is what I want you to do, because the better you do it, the easier it gets for me.

You want to be the embodiment of your own personal truth that in fact you were right about everything and you have realized finally that you are the truth. How can you be right about everything without being the eternal truth also. It is only eternal truth that gets to be right about everything and you are right about everything and as you realize an eternally greater and greater truth, then anything that you were before that was less than that really doesn’t matter anymore. Does it.

s. True.

If you realize eternal truth in yourself now in this moment, then anything that was lesser than that in the past is completely irrelevant. It’s an instantaneous shift in reality, from god awful to God wonderful. It’s just a snap and it happens by your own choice, you are the chooser. Be focused as much as possible on wishing the very best for others. If there is some way of increasing a realization of consciousness to a higher level we wish the best for others to achieve. Find your brothers in the common purpose of knowing the truth of God. That is the only church that I belong to, every other church is encompassed within that.

s. That’s a good church.

The statement that divinity can’t be true unless it is true for you, is not exactly true, because divinity is true and so the correct true statement would be; divinity can’t be true, unless it can be true for you too right now. You have to self realize into that, nobody else does that for you, you self realize in to your own divinity, it’s the only way. It’s not a gift from God, it is a gift from you to yourself, of realizing what has always been true for you. Until you embodied into this body, then it wasn’t true for you, but you’re here to realize that it is and a realization is not something that you have to figure out, it’s something that comes upon you and you say. ..

s. Ah ha.

Ah ha, it is true and it is true and that is what I am saying to all the levels of you that it is not true for. That is why I am talking, the part of you that knows your truth, that is not who I am talking about. That part always knows its truth. It’s the part that does not self as divinity, that I am here to say; that is your truth to, even though I know that you don’t know it. I know that you want to believe it and believe that it is possible, but I am here to say that it is not only true, but in fact, everything that you ever secretly believed, actually was true also. You came here to be here as God, everyone did. God blesses you to that end, that’s what heaven on earth is, God consciousness for all form. Even insects and animals, everything in harmony, everything in the consciousness of God, nothing less, it’s not bad if you do it, it’s what you came here to be. It doesn’t matter if you don’t see anyone else doing it; it’s what you came here to be and what I am asking to see from you, because I know that as your truth. I want you at your very best, I want you at the truth where it is easy for me to know my eternal truth in your presence, because I see you expressing yours.

s. Cool.


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