
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, March 03, 2011


Just because things are as they are, does not mean that they cannot now be what they can possibly be.

What does it take to make a quantum shift in a twinkling of an eye?

Of course all quantum shifts are done instantaneously, so what what is the secret, what is the secret of instant transformation? Instant enlightenment? Immediate fulfillment of the transformation from what is, to what miraculously it may become? What is the truth of transcendence? The embodiment of the possibilities and actualities of perfection?

You know that you are doing good when you learn to ask the right questions. How does it get any better than this, right now?

It gets better instantly, by allowing what this is right now to transcend what it is and you allow what it is right now to be able to transcend what it is, by allowing what it is, to be free. Do not suppress it, do now cause it to be condemned by your opinion of it, because that is not the reality that you want to share with anyone.

So feel your reality and allow that which you feel to transcend what it is and to instantly become, miraculously, wonderfully, what it would be in its ideal state of expression.

To all of the chatter in your head about what is wrong and what is right about you and your life; let all that go and feel that which is your life and allow it to transcend into a level of perfection that you know is its possibility. Just let it do it, because you can.

No other voice that has an opinion about who and what you are, has any bearing or cause in creating that which you are. You are your creation, period. Know it, live it, and love it.

Feel your body and as you feel it, know that this is what you are allowing to transcend the reality that it operates in, to be beyond its control, to be superior in its conduct, in its construct, in its behavior towards others to such a degree, that this reality has no hold on you or me.

Let all of your losses go, don’t hold on to them in a manner in which they limit your present from being extraordinarily, exactly, what you wish it to be. When we let go of that which we feel that we must be, that is when we enter the realms of greatness.

Feel your body and use this as a mantra until you know the truth of it; this is not what it has to be, this does not have to be this, anymore.

You can say to those you interact with in your life; “I want our interactions to be a positive impact in my life.”

Allow there to be a reality that transcends this one, if you don’t allow it to be so, it certainly will never happen.

Don’t let the reality that you are perceiving now, the connections that you have in it, the obligations that create the now that you are in, do not allow those to hold you back in this moment of transformation that you have at hand in this moment. Let all go that you hold onto to stimulate yourself in any way.

Will people go shopping to buy new clothes to go to your funeral, because your funeral is where they would want to be their best at, in order to honor one who was able to
“best” who he is and was and realized his expression of that which it is possible to be; the eternally divine and wonderful, “Me”?

I appreciate your doing this for I feel the freedom, that I will have when the “letting go” of all that is currently as it is, is done. Its just you that makes the choice for your self, you let everything else go. You don’t have to agree with reality as it is anymore. That which you see within you as being separate from you, let that go too.

Your consciousness should always know that the reality that we share here is simply for your own amusement, there is no more significance to it than that. You don’t have to understand an existing truth in order to move to a better one, it isn’t necessary. All you have to do is feel the you that you are and let go of the necessity that it continue to be that way for you.

Anyone other than yourself who is commenting as an authority on your state of being, is not helping you improve it. Thats because it is impossible for an embodied consciousness to comprehend the eternal possibilities of another aspect of God.

Once you have given your advice, allow your children to choose for themselves and love the selfs that they choose.

You change your beingness first and then you find out how to operate it. You don’t determine the limitations of your “transcendent beingness” from a point of view of that which desires for itself to transcend the reality that it is in.

Let go of all that which does not lovingly bless you with your freedom.

Don’t agree with anyone who proposes for you your limitations, who says; here is where you are limited. Don’t agree with that, see it and then let it go.


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