
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

The blessing of divinity

When you feel the limitations in your body and in your life, rather than having to fully explore them in order to fully understand them so that you can figure out a solution to bringing yourself to a greater level of freedom and expansion in bliss and oneness for yourself, try this instead; feel it and ask “are you willing to be moved by God?” “Are you willing to be released from the limitations of what you are, into that which is possible for you to be, in your own best wishes for yourself? And yes, it would be a good Idea for you to allow God to move you, to move through you, to move as you, as the operating consciousness of your body here. It’s an interesting and logical concept.
Claudio, What does that mean?
What that means is that it is an idea that when examined, always leads to the same conclusion, which is; should I get the best out of life for myself in such a way that it is also a blessing to everyone else? Not where it is a zero sum game, but where when you come here; everyone is a little bit better because off for it and maybe even a lot better off because of it. 
Why not be that possible you and me, where we together and all of us at once, realize that for us to be in a position where we can be a blessing to others, that it’s a good thing for us to do, it’s the right thing. It is the right thing to be able to bless others and have it truly be a blessing to another. Thats both a good thing to allow yourself to have the possibility of and a good thing for you to move in life as; that which facilities the blessing towards their perfect expression of that which is expressed here in a manner that is less than that which it desires for itself. 
When you can say, “I love you as you are and I bless you to that which you wish yourself to be, then that is the blessing of divinity and as that is the blessing of divinity, the only real question to consider is; are you willing to receive that yourself? Mmm, Mmm, Ahh yes; the possibilities of a divine life. 
Oh what a horrible thing to contemplate; a divine life. 
Divinely free,
Divinely be, 
All that humanity,
Wishes that he could be, 
Yet has not realized yet within himself,
That it is the truth that he will always be;
The truth of divinity.
Your truth, self realized and expressed through your form, is a blessing to yourself and to all, that all could wish for in their highest and fondest hopes for themselves. So, it’s Ok, you have my blessing; that for damn sure.
Are you willing to allow God to move you towards your fondest desires? Towards the realization of those as your truth?
Let go and lets see,
How divinity moves,
In you and in me and
In that way, “we” can be free,
Together, you and me,
The “we” of divinity.
Are you willing to allow God to move you towards the realization of your own desire of divine perfection? Allow God to be be your teacher of divinity; he’s (She’s) the one who knows, not some man in a “teacher suit.” Anybody that you hold up as being able to help yourself, who is not already helping you fully realize your divinity in this moment, is not one to hold up as a divine guide for yourself. If you want to choose a guide for yourself, choose a guide that delivers the divine when asked; God, deliver the divine to me please, I’m open, I’m ready, I’m willing and I’m Able. Able to be, the embodiment of God you see. The question is; can I see that? Can I be that? Can that, be me? Ahh the wonders of divinity, by those who know thee not. 
Are you willing to allow yourself to be moved to your perfect expression, by that which is perfectly divine? Sounds plausible, sounds reasonable, if in fact, there is a God able to do Godly things; manifesting miracles. Would he not be that which you would wish to have with you always, he who is willing and able to manifest that which you desire for yourself?  Why not have a “manifestor” on that level, walking with you? 
Move through life in an experience of heavenly delights, because God is with you and you and God know each other perfectly. The perfect union of the embodiment of consciousness, within you, is “your wish” for God to command. 
OK, we so wish, 
That we may be free,
As godly beings,
Of eternity.
God, I am beginning to believe and to know that that which you do for me, is the best for me. Allow God to be one with you and a winner you will be. One who has one for himself; eternity. The power of the words of freedom are a wonder to behold, for beholding eternal truth, moving through form is wondrous indeed and the seed of wondrous beginnings. Begin to know, begin to be, begin see, eternity in yourself and in me. 

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