
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

You are the one who gets to have it the way that he wants it here.

I don’t need anybody else’s help or assistance in determining the level of consciousness  I should be at. 
I don’t need the understanding of myself, by others, in order for me to be myself with myself. 
All that you can feel that seems to be your pains, traumas and limitations, are only there because you are accepting input from others. Their choice to condemn you should have no effect on how you feel about yourself. Your experience of your own reality is senior to somebody else’s experience of your reality because they have access to only one small aspect of it and it was in relationship with who and what they are; It was a communication at their level of consciousness and was at the level that it had to be to have an interaction with them and that doesn’t mean that they are capable of understanding what was behind that interaction and what was available to them if they were willing to have been more aware for themselves.
If you want the most for yourself; be familiar with all of those who live that way for themselves already. If you are going to have anchor points in this reality, then they might as well be ones that allow you to know, choose and be whatever it is that you wish to be here. Don’t be somebodies enemy because they are successfully existing here exactly the way that they want to. Allow that to be a learning experience for you if you are not living your own life exactly the way that you wish for it to be. Emulate someone else if you don’t know how to be the way that you wish to be. Observe the excellence in another if you ever need to see a brother first act in the most appropriate way to be here. 
Consider the fact that there are people that are willing to share with you your ultimate freedom and to celebrate that as a wonderful thing with you. Let those who will do that be your best friends and whose imput you enjoy, reflect on and use to calculate exactly what it is that you are going to be here as, today. 
Get by yourself and consider the fact that you should at least be able to be free when you are alone with yourself. Your reality at that point should be free from the influences of others; “King of your own Castle” the castle is you when you choose to be alone and in that space, you are King, so let it be known that you are King of your Castle, at least when you are alone. It is your choice of consciousness that determines your level of consciousness, not someone else’s. 
You are the one who gets to have it the way that he wants it here. 
I am free when I am at one with myself, when I am alone with myself, when I am by myself I am free, for me and I and self are wholly free, when we are in our own company. 
If I were going to say something to myself to remind me to embrace my divinity, to know my own limitless possibilities, then how soon would that affect who and what I am here in this reality?
From the time that you embrace your limitless possibilities, how long does it take to go through dramatic changes of the identity that you have been manifest here as? How quick and how dramatic does that change when you have embraced your limitless possibilities for a wonderful life; a life of wonders? 
I am not even sure how to express what those possibilities are in such a way that it would awaken you to your own possibilities. I am not sure that that is even possible with words, but at least we should give it a try. Just in case there is a true magical brew, that when one partakes of that, he is over, through and through with the mundane you that you have been here. You are over with the mundane you, you are finished with not asking for what you want in life, finished with not knowing what it is that will bring you the greatest happiness and then freely choosing that. 
Have the majority of your dealings here on earth with those who are conscious, or those who have awakened to their divine possibilities and realized that in themselves as often and completely as they choose.
Now that you are alone with yourself, really, how free are you going to allow yourself to be? All by yourself; how free can you be beyond the consciousness of your humanity? How free can you be to know the infinite me that I am beyond this man? 
Your problems stem from your identity of self here as a man, you have assumed that identity. Look at that choice and evaluate what might be a better choice for yourself. Are you better off truly free, truly aware and fully conscious?  Awakened to the full realization of self here? You shouldn’t consider that to be the wrong choice for yourself or anyone else that have the balls to make it. 
When you are by yourself you should be able to look at the interactions that you have with yourself, or with others here that are all phony, because there are so many pretenses that you can’t even remember the truth of who you are. The real question is the validity of self realization. 
The realization of self, is of yourself. It is OF YOURSELF, it is not the realization of someone else, even if they are named God. The truth of self is known by realization of the truth of self, not by guessing at the truth of another and then hoping in your confusion. It doesn’t matter to you what the truth of another is when you have realized the truth of yourself to yourself. When you cease to bullshit yourself about your eternal truth; then you can actually be your eternal truth here. So with no bullshit, who are you? Show yourself to yourself, reveal the truth of self to self! 
For the purposes of this realization; your body, is yourself. You’re self realizing, your body is realizing, your realizing in body the eternal; the marriage of spirit and matter and allowing the divine to manipulate, move and inspire the body and the mind; the mind of God in the “human-beingness.” You can find that truth in yourself, simply by looking and observing it there as your core truth. Your core truth is freedom and you don’t need to have an explanation of, or defense of it. Your eternal truth, is your eternal truth and there is no reason for you to agree that it is not. And the cool thing is; that you don’t need to get anyone to acknowledge you for it. All you have to do is realize it in yourself; make it real in you.The lord God within you, open up to knowing that, as the living truth of the body. 

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