
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Doing, is consumed in not doing

If you look for divine consciousness here; you will find it. Divine consciousness is apparent to one who chooses to be aware of it and to notice that; it is in fact here. Notice within yourself that the divine is here, as soon as you choose to notice it, meaning that; it is always here and the only reason for knowing or not knowing the divine is your choosing to be conscious of it, or not. Notice that it is here. 
It is easy to notice the “divine in nature;” the nature of the reality that allows universal consciousness to move its expression into being here as its guiding force for the manner in which its life is expressed. It’s easy to see the divine in that, but what about in humans;? Those who know not and yet claim to know it all. Where is the divine found therein? Where in Earth is there; the divine Mother, father, sister and brother? Those who comprise “our family” of divine consciousness? 
Our family of divine consciousness; all. The family of the divine includes all, all, as it is ever where and it is as readily available as one chooses to have it be for itself. So, it’s your choice to know divinity, its your choice to choose to be free, Its your choice to enjoy that freedom in your actual interactions with reality here; where reality here supports you in your freedom. Where does reality support you in your freedom here? Hmm, Hmm, Hmm. Where does reality support you in your freedom here? Now lets see… 
Non-human reality supports that, the plant kingdom supports that. Hmm, the plant kingdom. So there is a connection to the realization of the divine; in looking at the plants here with a recognition of the wondrous divine presence therein. The embodiment of life that is not oppositional to us here. The plant life here does not oppose us, it supports us, it welcomes us, it says; take what you need to be free and fulfilled in your expression here. 
Surrender self by observing the divine in wondrous plants, plants who choose to express themselves as beauty; wow, wow, why not? What is a flower other than the expression of beauty saying; 
look at me, 
I am free, 
in my love of humanity 
and in my pleasure, 
in giving pleasure, 
to those who seek not, 
but realize instead; 
the wondrous nature, 
that surrounds us.  
Who knows the divine here? It has not been real to your consciousness, you haven’t asked that question with an expectation and a fulfilled relief, in the knowing that; as you asked that question, it was revealed and you now no longer lack knowing in what the divine way is for you now. 
As the divine, you know how to bring the lost souls home; you welcome them. For they are in truth; your own.
The you that you are,
that knows that you don’t know, 
that you are, 
the one, 
who lets go.
For your “not knowing,” 
is all the knowing, 
that you need to know,
that; it is for “You”; 
to be the one to let go,
and allow the divine to enfold you, 
remind you, 
and return you, 
to a knowing of your own grace, 
within the divine embrace of your life. 
Your grace is revealed to yourself; in your noticing of the divinity of reality. In your noticing of the divine, is when the divine notices you and both realizing, each other in the shared knowing of truth. 
Mmmm, nice, allow the divine light within you to Mmmm, to enliven your body with its radiance. As your body; welcome the residence of divinity, the inspiration of all reality. The embodiment of the divine is; freedom in form; form, informed of its freedom and realizing that its freedom is gained in surrendering to that which is unlimited freedom, by that which is unconsciously bound. Bound by unknown forces with unknown intentions, with un-confrontable complexities. Where when you enter therein, you are there, in a world of insanity. 
Is there a way that you can move through life sanely here? That would be nice; getting through here as a sane embodiment of truth. 
When you are trying to find your way in life and you are trying to realize your freedom therein, then there is only one thing to do and that is actually choose to realize your freedom in your life. Choose that, and feel it transform you in the moment. Feel your transformation moment to moment to greater ease, greater freedom; more what you wish to be moment to moment. What do you wish to be in this moment? How would you like your life to be better than what it is? 
OK, now; let it happen right now! Allow the betterment that you just wished for, to be your experience now! Mmm, Ahh, what is it to experience the receipt of your wish? The receipt of your knowing what it is to be free. 
I love my enemies now. Not that I love enemies, but the enemies that I have, I love and cherish. Ahh, how is it possible to do that? To love and cherish your enemy? Mmm, who do you have to be, to legitimately do that, without effort? Without having to oppose yourself in your desire to do that? Isn’t that what effort is about; effort is when you determine to do something that you have previously determined not to do, so you then determine to do both at the same time . Do it and not do it, at the same time and the force of will overcomes for a while that which moves not, but then the force of will eventually ceases focusing the entirety of its life force on the unlovable and thus; “not do” always prevails in the end as “doing” is consumed by “not doing” and the whole is fulfilled in oneness.

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