
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Divine Embrace.

No matter what your sins are, they are forgiven when you willingly receive the divine embrace. You are freed from your sins by the self realization that your self condemnation is counter productive to your being here as your truth. You cannot be here as the truth of the eternal you at the same time your condemning yourself for being a man who has acted in a manner that did not appear to be unconditional love. So what? Choose your truth, choose for your truth to be who you are here, regardless of what you have chosen to do when you thought that is was something other than divine. 
Fully feel your sense of self and allow the divine embrace to embrace you there. It’s not that Jesus can’t save you or that he won’t save you; this is a free will universe and you get to choose what is real for you and if it is not real for you that you can be redeemed to a state of unconditional love; awareness without limitations, grace and benevolence and charm being the words that people use to describe you, those are all yours if you will allow yourself to accept them; to allow them to be manifest through you. 
Feel what it is that creates other than ease, joy, peace and awareness. What is it that demands that you identify with that which is other than your divine presence here? With the presence and awareness of a divine being here, look at the control centers of the body; that which directs it in its life and affairs here and notice that you are welcome to embrace it divinely with your truth. “Embrace the control center of your life with your divine truth.”  And, as your self identified aspects that are in a state of diminishment and unconsciousness; allow yourself to be embraced by the divine. 
Embrace divinely and receive the divine embrace at the same time as one motion. 
Steve, What about the redemption through Jesus?
I am not suggesting that he is the only one that can do it, but as long as you have been conditioned to look to him for that kind of guidance; why not go with the flow?
So you wan’t to know how to let Jesus save you?
Steve, how? 
Well, I don’t know if you can pay attention enough while you are driving. 
Steve, I can pay attention.
To what degree are you normally connected to your total sense of self on all layers and levels? Does it take a while for you to embrace all that feels like you? Are you in touch with all of it normally or just a part of it?
Steve, I think that most people would say a piece of it.
Thats my case.
Steve, same with me.
So, if you are not taking responsibility for all that you consider to be yourself as a starting point, then logically you have to say; “thats probably not going to be good enough to get the the universe agreeing that you are using your free will to choose to reawaken to your divinity. So, to the degree that you can fully embrace your self image, your self identity; do it. And, then from there, choose to allow the divine to embrace you through the identity of Jesus or any other divine personality that you like and then feel what happens to your body as you allow it to be embraced by the divine. And notice, how if you relax your certainties about who and what you are, that the divine will be a refining fire and burn off all those decisions  you made in confusion or unconsciousness that resulted in a less than fully awakened state of consciousness. Just remember that if you consider yourself to not be fully awakened, that the mechanism for your awakening is that you not demand that you stay in the current state of consciousness and self awareness that you are. 
If your current identity is resulting in unconsciousness for you and you want to change; then you have to allow the change to occur. I know that that is logical, but it is actually tricky in practice, because first you get that intellectually, but to have that move through your body experientially, takes a rather direct focus of one continuous motion of allowing the self that knows itself divinely, (what ever percentage that is) to embrace the self that doesn’t and allowing the self that doesn’t to receive the divine embrace for the self that does.
The divine embrace is what we are talking about; you don’t know the divine from study, it is only known experientially and it is only known in the moment. It is not a theory about the future, it is not; “over there.” So, all that is not unconditionally loving in you; feel it, feel it, as it, because it is something that you have created in yourself. So, feel the consciousness of that which knows nothing about the divine and from there and as that; allow the divine to embrace you there. Feel that which is the most discomforting to you and allow the divine to embrace you there and allow it over and over again, until it is a continuous embrace that moves deeper and deeper in your being. Allow the divine embrace to permeate the totality of what you are, even as you go; oh no! Feel the shifts and changes and the; Oh yes! Response from your body; oh yes, I too can be free.
That horrible stiffness and tension that I have in my body?
Steve, yes?
I am just diving in, feeling it to the greatest extent that I can and holding there; and allowing the divine to embrace me as that. 
The experience that will change you the way that you want to be changed, is the knowing of divinity experientially and all you have to do from your divine perspective is observe the control center that operates your life, where ever it is and whatever comprises it, it is your control center, it Is that which causes you to move through life as you do and whatever it is and whatever it is comprised of; embrace it divinely and allow the divine embrace there as one motion. A mutual embrace of being the divine embracing and the non divine receiving the divine embrace simultaneously. The willing giving and the willing receipt as a singular motion of one. Knowing that whatever it is that that changes in you, is that which you wanted to be changed; consciousness, awakened, redeemed, restored and gone home to the source, as the source and aware within the body, as that. 
Be all that which is dis-functional in you and as that; allow the divine embrace. All aspects of you that has enemies, judgements, concerns, beliefs, attitudes, and personality. All of you that emanates, participates, communicates, as all of that; allow the embrace of God, feel it fully and allow it to move through every fiber, every level and every aspect of you. 
It’s OK, there are people who have done this before; you can see a real nice, image of one of to your right about one a-clock. 
Steve, Um hmm. 
Do you think that the embodiment of the divine only works in an immaculate conception? That it can only be perfect from conception, as a fully aware, divine being, or it can’t be done? No? How do you follow that as a recipe? You can’t, it probably wasn’t true, but what you can do is say; Jesus, we welcome you here and now and that which is unconditionally loving of you, we request your embrace as that, as that which restores, redeems and reclaims consciousness and presence to the divine realms. You are welcome here with us and we welcome you in us and we ask you to show us the way, to be as you, today, right now. Merge with us, that we might know our own truth. 
Receive and allow, allow the structures of polarity to move into a harmony with oneness as oneness. Allow all form and structure to harmonize as the one eternal presence that creates all presence here. Allow your body to harmonize with that. What could be wrong with that? To be in harmony with creation? With the creator? With everything? Be in harmony with all and allow all to be in harmony with you and allow the you that you are, to know this, to feel this, to embrace as you are embraced, to know as you are known, to see as you are seen; all that the divine is. 
Surrender to the love of God and say; Uncle, or Father, or Brother or Mother may I, know myself, please? Please may I know myself here, as you know me eternally? May I know myself as that which loves all, that restores all that are willing to know themselves and have their presence here be the one that is true for them beyond their life time? 
Allow Christ consciousness to be yours, allow Christ consciousness to embrace your body, to infuse you, to know all that can be known of you, while you know that it knows that, as do you, yourself. Allow you, yourself, to know all that that the divine knows of you. Know yourself divinely, 
see yourself divinely, 
be yourself divinely, 
be free, 
be true, 
be you. 
Yes, Tomorrow will be tomorrow, 
But, what will tomorrow be,
If today,
You are free,
From that which held you back, before?
Well Steve, I believe that that is as good as it gets here. 
So do we allow the full embrace? 
Why wouldn’t we? 
Why couldn’t we? 
Just try it and see, 
if it is safe, 
for you and for me,
To know our divinity,
Here and now?
We can always go unconscious to it again, we always have before you know. But, you do wish to know, don’t you? Then know what it is to know Christ as your brother, know what it is to know Isis as your sister, know what it is to know the divinity in Buddha and Krishna and Shiva and in all who choose the truth of themselves eternally; the love that redeems, reclaims and restores yourself and all who welcome it into themselves.
Feel yourself, know yourself and welcome unconditional love to be present within you. Know the presence of unconditional love within you, right now; 
know, know, know, 
yes, yes, yes, 
yes to the knowing, 
yes to the divine, 
yes to the freedom of eternal truth,
Yes, yes, yes. You can always be an idiot later, but there is no reason to hold back now; yes, yes, yes, yes to the divine embrace; awaken me so that I know the truth of all things. Change whatever is necessary for that to be a comfortable realization for me. There is nothing that has to stay the same; change it all as God would change it. Perfect it all as heaven would have it. Let me surrender divinely. 
You don’t have to do anything with it, except; notice and allow the divine. Right there, where you are noticing. Wherever your attention lies; allow the truth of eternity to embrace it. 
At the center of yourself, feel the son, burst into flames, see the light of yourself as the sun of God. Feel what that feels like to the body and observe what it transforms within it, as you allow the embrace of all that you have worshiped as divine truth. And, now to it awake as yourself, awaken here, feel how reality shifts around you as you choose and receive the awakening of your knowing and Know again what it is to know God, by receiving his embrace. 

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