
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Step out of Man and step into God.

Can you experience “being God with the one you are with now? God could and so could you the same way that God does: allow the divine to be you, allow the divine to be me too.

: hello Joseph

Joseph: Hi David! Happy New Year!

First New Moon of 2013

David: I'm looking for the first new you, that reminds me of your eternal nature.

Joseph: Im am here

David: So you are

soul you are willing to be

Joseph: indeed

It is a challenging time to be although

David: soaly surrendered to Gods will

and allowing divine intention to be all that moves you.

Joseph: The river's current has swept me away and I must trust it knows the way within me

David: What ever the divine intends for this body is ok by me

Joseph: I have to accept it... No other choice but acceptance

David: For when my body is clearly intended by God, then then no intention by me is required other than to maintain that choice through time.

Accept Gods will for you and you will be free as your holy and eternal self.

Joseph: I was stripped of almost everything material. Its been a painful process, but I have faith.

David: The divine has chosen to glorify your body as sonn as you allow for it.

Joseph: There is so much goodness around me... so much potential... All solutions are at hand... Everything we need

David: Step out of man and step into God

The holy spirit has called you home, to live here, as it.

Joseph: Its seems as if the temporal is passing away

David: Theres no "doing better here " than that soul who allows for Gods current embrace in this moment.

Feel it in you bones, your heart, lungs and muscle.

The holy temple of God is what you are.

Or at least what you are perceiving through.

know your body as the holy temple of God.

"oh my god" how can it be that? 

Allow it

Joseph: letting go is all part of the process

David: happy new moon, sun

Joseph: Thank you David

To you as well 

David: Until you realize your truth then you drop letting go also

Joseph: indeed

David: and just are your truth naturally.

Just be true to the divine you, by letting go of what your are here and choose the divine manifestation of self instead.

What now? 

You are here, congratulations!

Knnow I can observe the divine through you

Joseph: I know
Thank you for seeing me for who I really am

David: To see you as that, I have to acknowledge my own divine presence in the same moment.

If you were christian, this is the moment where you would allow Christ to save you.

Actually you don't have to be christian, to allow the divine to save you by surrendering yourself and your body to it.

Joseph: I am grateful to be saved

David: God willing, I will be too

Joseph: Blessings to you brother 

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