
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Joy of the triumph over the struggle for survival

Claudia paints from the spirit: she begins painting and then allows the forms to be revealed to her. In her paintings, the form, the image and the story behind the painting is a revelation of the spirit, direct to you. Her message is always one of the celebration of the archetypes, standards, symbols, myths and legends that we have as a collective human consciousness. 

Claudia Hecht is a visionary artist, one whom the spirit speaks through, telling its story of beauty, inspiration and the sacrifice of the material self for the self-realization of the eternal. Claudia is an artist who transcends time and nationality: her heritage is the world, as she draws upon the inspiration of all that has come before her: the pre columbian, Olmec, Aztec and the Maya in Mexico, the Egyptian, the Aborigine and the African. She tells us through her art the stories that all artists have sought to convey, when they opened up to that which inspires us all: the divine moving through the body of the artist to create something transcendent that carries us away in wonder beyond ourselves into a greater beyond.

A phenomenally talented and imaginative artist, yet even more that: A woman of the Age of Aquarius, the artist who speaks from a deep internal knowing of how to weave in images the stories of myth and legend of family, community and country, of society and religion and put them all together with color, form and structure into an imaginative masterpiece of quality communication, which the finest of art always is: a quality communication speaking of the infinite and glorious possibilities of beauty and peace and ease and joy and the triumph over the struggle for survival into the embrace of that which eternal in all of us: the triumph of the spirit over matter. Which means only that the consciousness has transcended the form and structure of consciousness and expanded beyond the original purpose of creation: the conscious animation of what ever the form was, rising beyond all of that into an embracing of the universal consciousness of all, being known through its form, its unique form and structure. The consciousness of that, surrendered itself to the infinite, as a way to know its own truth and as a way to glorify that particular vessel that it identified itself as. 

Gods will be done is all that you have to remember when you are struggling to find a purpose. The only purpose you need to have is the one to surrender to God when you have forgotten what your purpose actually is. The surrender to God always reacquaints, reorients and reawakens one to their own truth, such that they no longer have the question of who they are, what they are, why they are and what they are going to do with themselves here. 

Allow Gods will to be done in your own heart, surrender there to God and know that the truth of yourself and the truth of God is the same. Truth is truth and ultimate truth encompasses all things even you, even me: all eternity, eternally free. 

Back to Claudia: as an artist, she is simply superb, as a personality she’s captivating, as a public figure she’s inspirational and as an example to other artists and women, she’s transformational. She’s one who has risen beyond the limitations that society places on those that they recognize as special and in doing so has actually become worthy of that word herself: a truly special artist, unique and engaging, one worthy of study and admiration and one we can enjoy today.

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