
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The divine will never condemn you.

I'm not going to do anything except enjoy my life here, why would I choose to live life here less than joyfully, when the examples of those who live life joyfully live the most wonderful lives here? A life of wondrous enchantment, joyfully experienced, is a life where you continuously choose the divine.

This is where we are and we are “ok” with that. Regardless of the stimulus that the body is receiving and the circumstances that we are moving through: we still choose the divine, we still say: yes, oh yes to the divine with each of our breaths, each of our heart beats and each of our motions as we move to and fro in this body. With every identification that this body has, all those points of view: we choose to be divine here for me and for you. 

With all of those things: we choose to be divinely conscious, right here. “We choose to be divinely conscious right here” is the only mantra that will save you: a mantra that allows for instantaneous realization by those who choose to use it. Keep choosing to be divine here until you realize that that is-actually what you want to do. 

Allow your divine consciousness to permeate everything that you have identified yourself as when you were in a state of confusion. The divine  continuously encourages us all to be divine. 

I know everything that I have done and how un-divine it has been, I choose to be divine anyway: its the perfect punishment for he who isn’t. Now you are condemned to your fate and it is the perfect sentence for you bad-acting people out there: to be cursed with the knowingness of your own divinity and the ability to live life joyful, exuberantly and as wondrously as you wish to.

The ideal person here is one who knows himself as the physical expression of God here. Even though we know we are the way that we are here, we still choose to be divine: in-spite of ourselves, just because we can. 

The divine wont stop you from choosing divinity, even in your worst of circumstances the divine will never condemn you or attempt to prevent you from fully realizing your own divinity. The divine keeps no one out of that club, it invites everyone in. 

The divine,
Is in,

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