
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Someone who can enjoy (in joy)everything, (everything with joy)is free and can save the world.

I love my family and it hurts me to know...
Fill all with joy.
Allow your body to be healed with all that are joyful.
You are not enlightened if you are not full of joy.
Enjoy everything, even me.

Maybe I have tried it all.
I have now tried it all.
There is nothing that I have not tried.
These are the statements that wakes up a God.
I have done it all.

Ultimate responsibility = ultimate joy.

Jesus ascended by bearing all sins, when he took the responsibility for them.
You know ultimate responsibility.
You are ultimate responsibility and it is great.
The more responsibile you are the greater joy you have.

Miracles are experienced by those who are willing to experience all and infuse it with joy.
enjoy this and you are free.
Enjoy the darkness until all darkness is joyful.
Injoy everyone until they are free.
Enjoy everything even rejection and you are no longer a victim.
Enjoy everything and you know everything.
Know everything and you are God, unbeatable, all powerful, all loving.
Even enjoy your unconsciousness.

Enjoy everything and everyone and all regain consciousness.
Consciousness = love
= Harmony
= Joy for all

You hear the voice of God.

Make love not war.

The word of God
awakens the sleeping
is enjoying the moment.

Enjoy the moment a story by God

High on a mountain top...

Why are you where you are?
What do you like about it?
What would you like to change?

Be dead to the unwilling to be light.
Know those that enjoy your presence.
Love those that love you.
Let the others be free to act out their unconscious programs of delusion.
If you are not with the ones that you love, make some changes.

Love is Graceful
Enraptured in enjoyment

Love all.
Have a good time.
Be good.
Be harmonious.
Be graceful.
Be joyful.
Keep relaxing into enjoyment.

Enjoy the unconsciousness that you are until you are conscious and life for you will get better.
Enjoy your traumas and they will be gone.
Enjoy your terrors and no matter where you go life will find you: Love everlasting, love ever expanding.

Enjoy performing Gods work, Gods work is Joy.
Surround yourself with images of joy.

Enjoy the not knowing of your pains and the causes of your sufferring.

Nothing special for me brother, because I am free. Just give me Gods love in a manner that I can receive it fully, given my current state of consciousness.
Expand out your awareness to encompass all that is.

Ok, it wasn't on a mountain top, but it is the truth from God.

Now, love your body. Let it shine for you, it want's to.

We can make it better. The way things are, are the way things are supposed to be at any moment. Anything that you want to improve can be created or changed moment by moment as you wish.

Your life is the way that it is according to the choices that you have made. Dont like it? Make new, better choices moment to moment.
Enjoy change,
Enjoy change,
Enjoy change,
If you wish for life to be different, enjoy change for the better.
Enjoy your circumstances then change them for the better.
Enjoy your last dark night.
Good night.

Your Father

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