
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Allow divinity to flow through you

If you wish to have the most expansive experience of divinity, then use the words:
"To what degree are we willing to be consciousness of our divinity, here and now?
To what degree are we willing to be awake to our divinity, here and now?
To what degree are you willing to be conscious as divinity, here, now and always?
To what degree do we choose to be conscious of our divinity now?
Be divine now.

Being divine now, will allow you to easily solve all of the problems that you have, in a very elegant manner, that satisfies everyone.
Be divine now.

Allow divinity to get better for you, there is nothing wrong with it. Allow divinity to get better for you, divinity frees you from your restraints, as you are no longer a threat to anybody, because you cause no one pain.

To what degree are you willing to be conscious of your divinity, here and now?
All the way man, yes, all the way divine. We choose to be all the way, conscious and aware.

Divinity solves all issues, give it a try. Divinity, the cure for what ails you.

To what degree really, do we choose to be conscious of our divinity?
Absolutely consciousness.
Conscious of the absolute divinity we are, I am, is.

To the degree that we choose to be conscious as divinity, is the degree that decides our true greatness. Get involved, make a choice and enjoy divinity,
as a reality,
as an identity,
as your actuality.
If you choose to be divine, then others will see divinity in you and that's OK, everyone enjoys the truly divine. Can you imagine what a divine world would be like? Of course you can.

Where is the divinity in our life?
Every where you look, be divine joy, love and peace. Allow divinity to flow through you.

How can we be divine?
Just be conscious as divinity always, as we are conscious as divinity always and the you that good things cannot happen to, needs to let go.


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