
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Eternal truth is found when all creations are let go of

Ultimate freedom is found in an expansion of awareness not in descending in consciousness. If your current state of consciousness is a condition of not knowing, then that state is a poor tool to utilize in digging yourself out of the hole of separation consciousness. A better option would be to recognise that an unknowing condition is a created condition and a created condition has no reference point for accessing eternal truth.

Eternal truth is found when all creations are let go of in terms of their relevance as to who you are, what you are, why you are here and how you orient to operating in this reality. you can begin by recognising that all energies that are impinging on your body and awareness have the right to be there and that they are not the problem, regardless of how uncomfortable that they make the body feel.

When you move the focus off of "the other" as the problem and focus on the decision or energy in you that allowed this reality to be a possibility for you and then let that decision or energy go, you will find the greater freedom that you desire.

If you have a bad relationship with anyone, ask yourself; What is there in me that created this possibility and attracted this condition that I am experiencing? When you feel the answer, let it go as no longer being useful, needed, relevant or desired by you and replace it with your next higher level of awareness and consciousness. Keep repeating as necessary for you to have the degree of consciousness and success that you desire in life.

All forces that are oppositional to you are OK. Why you are there in resistance with them as your chosen experience is the right focus for your contemplation, is this the best level of beingness that you can do? Let go of your resistance to opposition and see what happens. All oppositional forces are operating at a low level of consciousness and are readily converted into being either cooperative supporters or considering you to being uninteresting as an opponent and irrelevant.
to their purposes. What is your purpose and how is it most effectively and easily achieved without adversely affecting others?


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