
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Here is a line of reasoning by which the world would be your responsibility

If individuated consciousness originates as the source creator, then is separated out and downloaded into a body and thereby reduced in consciousness to the operating systems, mechanisms and structures of the body. In its acquiring of knowledge through that form, from its genetic structure, cellular memories, family, group and societal trainings, it now has all of the effects of life upon that form. Now that individuated consciousness considers itself to be that individuated form and operates its existence from that form based reality. Now if the that form based reality is one that would fit the definition of a fallen reality, plane or dimension or something less than it could be. If it is less than the divine, (if there is such a thing) If you accept the premise that all consciousness originates from the divine in a divine state of awareness, but that some consciousness is confused as to who it is, what it is, where it is from, then if this world is to be changed, then it is to be changed by the fallen divine consciousness that is here.

The fallen divine consciousness that is here is confused about who it is, what it is, where it is, if it is and is it wrong to follow my truth back to source and thereby recover my awareness of what the entirety of my options are in regards to my manifestation in this reality? If I know what all of my options are;
all of the ones that are known by all embodied consciousnesses on the planet isn’t enough,
you need to consider the entirety of the whole,
you have to know what all the possibilities are in this reality,
you have to know what the possibilities are based upon the premise that the divine realms are the most conscious,
that the divine realms are the epitome of an idealized state,
the most loving, harmonious, aware and causative,
an Idealized state of awareness and the best operating basis for interacting with others.

If it is true that you are divine at heart,
divine in part
and confused in the present.
Then you should be able to reconnect with you as the source consciousness of creation and allow that connection with the you that is the source consciousness of creation and allow that divine you to be present in your body and allow that divine you to cleanse the body of its confusions, to cleanse the mind and the brain of their limitations, to open up for you, the eternal you as your truth.
The truth that frees,
the you that breathes,
from the worlds needs.

You can feel yourself; “the I am being saved” self and all of you that are wondering if that is you, yes you are the one being saved. The Savior is your own divine consciousness, your own divine presence, awakened within your body by your own choice. Interesting premise isn’t it?

Deal with the reality that you are in successfully, master it and then improve it to the reality that you wish for. You can’t switch to the reality that you wish for, as a failure from the reality that you exist in (except in the death of the body). Say to your divine self; here I am, this is what I exist as, this is the configuration of my consciousness, these are the limitations of my awareness and my abilities. Encompass them all, everything that I consider myself to be; my past, my presence, my present, my future, my history, all are freely and willingly granted to the divine, to refine, so that they are no longer mine.

Rather than trying to figure out whether the energy is yours or somebody else’s, it doesn’t really matter. You are taking responsibility for your body, for your space, for your presence here. Which means that it is your responsibility if it’s here, whether it’s yours or whether its someone else’s doesn’t really matter. The fact that it is here, means it is on your turf, it’s your territory, it is your responsibility for the form that it is existing as, as it is attached to the form that you are receiving reality through. This form, this body, this system of life, has chosen for its consciousness, for its awareness, for its knowing, for its abilities, to return to source. To the source of that consciousness to be reawakened as to what the possibilities of creation are.

Choose to exist as a divine self,
Choose to allow that body that you are perceiving through, to be operated consciously by a divine presence, your divine presence.
It is your divine presence that will make you joyful.
It is your divine presence that will make you able.
It is your divine presence that will make you a delight to those that you interact with here in life.

The part that that gets to transcend in you, is the part that believes in its own limitations, its own disabilities, and its own fallen state of consciousness as the truth of its beingness. That is the part now that is redeemed and reclaimed by its own divine self.

If you have limitation or pain in your body, it is simply a limiting belief. Keep looking until it acknowledges your looking and realizes in its self that in fact, it is mistaken about its most important truth is and that is what am I. At the point that the identified you wakes up to the realization that the identification of its self, is in fact its primary confusion and problem in manifestation through life. Then it can say yes, of course I want to know the truth, of course I want the truth to be free in me. I can let go of those painful identities that are in fear of others, that are in resistance to others, that are submissive in a disabling way to others.

There is no reason to hold onto your disability, you are in fact the only one cursing yourself with it. Without your own curse there would be no agreement from all of those others who have cursed themselves as the; “you are the way that you should be and must be and must remain. Without your own curse you are not a member of the club deviating from the divine realms. Without your own curse, theirs are of absolutely no effect on you.

Where is your own curse of yourself to be a separate and fallen consciousness? Where is the grounding and attachment point of that curse that works on manifesting you? Once you find it, you can allow it to be and stop resisting it.

It had its desired effect; the point that you wanted to curse yourself, doggone if you didn’t do a good job, look at the life that you have led, it is a result of your own cursing of yourself to that end. Now what do you choose for yourself? Do you choose to be at war with your own manifestation of yourself? Or do you choose to know that there is no choice except for you to love yourself and everything that “self” interacts with.

If you make the assumption that somebody else does not have the truth, then you fail in your desire to see the truth in them. When the truth is in the others that you deal with, then your life will be a wonder to behold.

Not taking responsibility for your reality is not a condemnation, its not something that you have to do, its something that you have to be saved from. It’s a a fallen reality, It’s a fallen state of consciousness, it’s a confused state of being, it is a “not you, true” existence. Now if a “not you, true” state of existence no longer has the ability to right itself, to correct its miscalculations, then the “you that is true”, the you that stayed in its divinity, is the you who can and will do the work to reclaim his consciousness that is enturbulated in this reality.


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