
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

None of your past matters

Allow your awareness to go out and hit the moon and bounce back to you, you understand it and it understands you. Allow yourself to realize that that in fact is true; you know the moon and the moon knows you. Beings of eternal consciousness have the ability to observe and acknowledge each other so you know that you’re not alone. It’s nice to know who the rest of your gang is; those that know the eternal truth of you, look at the moon, shining in its desire to remind you of your truth. Know that it knows it and know what truths the moon knows about you.

Absurd I know
and it resounds in you,
the knowledge too,
that you knows he
and he knows you.

Now knowing that, you can experience your eternal awareness as it exists and realize that everywhere that you look; there your consciousness is. Look at everywhere at once and know that there are no limitations of what you can consciously be aware of and experience in the moment. Everything that you can conceive of can be experienced because you were the conceiver of that reality for you. It was conceived first by you before it could be experienced.

What you conceive of being your ultimate truth, the conception of that, the looking at it and understanding of it with the awareness of the fact that there is something that can be described as that and as soon as you focus your attention on it; it starts drawing you in and you start drawing it in to the expression of you through this body. As soon as you realize that there is a greater reality of you, that’s more true than the one that you are here; you start bringing that into your experience of yourself here and your reality starts shifting and changing in a positive manner for you so you are more and more your embodied truth, which makes this world a better place just because you’re here. You don’t have to learn how to do it; all you have to do is choose it for yourself and allow it to occur.

When we play like this, what we are discussing is the perceptions that we are having in this instant right now, so that there is nothing else attracting our attention in our lives other than the fact that we are here and communicating. What we are communicating about is; what state of consciousness can we enjoy, what is the peak consciousness that we are willing to allow for ourselves in this moment and then experience it? And then say OK how does that feel? Would it be better if it were better? Yes, now that you have allowed yourself some degree of freedom, how much more freedom can you allow yourself in this moment? Just do it. How much freedom will you allow yourself to be consciously, physically, mentally in this reality, in this moment?

It is the experience of feeling that, observing that and realizing that you can choose for it to be better than that first choice. This way you can walk in a constant improvement with each step of your level of conscious effectiveness in this reality and in being the you that you want to be in this reality here. It can take any form that you are willing to go to, everyone has their own tendencies and preferences of how they are willing to be saved and how they are willing to free themselves, or how quickly they are willing to let things get better for themselves.

Whatever pattern or natural preference for improvement that you have; take the one that you prefer and allow it to move you to freedom right now. Allow yourself to have all of that that you wish for yourself consciously, now and forever.

The degree of freedom that you are willing to experience as your ultimate goal for your life, allow yourself to have that now, see how it shifts your body, see how it moves the surrounding reality into a resonating harmonic where it allows that choice of yours to exist for you.

As you are experiencing the shifts of reality from your choice; sometimes it is best to not move at all, sometimes it is best to move as you realize that your truth is now moving you.

You have to look at yourself and realize that you are willing to let this go in order to be the truth of your reality, because what you are being here is not your truth. I know that it is a bit of a paradox that you have to realize that you are your truth and you are not your truth at the same time in order to get all aspects of what it is that sticks you here, but it is OK to go back and forth on this with various levels of realization that you are in control of your reality. You’re not at effect here anymore than you are willing to be. So take a look at that and allow yourself to be free.

You know how the successful people are in this reality; you don’t have to wonder about it, you know what gives them the ability to be in abundance here in the ways that they choose. They are willing to have it happen, so they are willing to have changes happen that are actually required to have their desired reality manifest. They allow the people that they are with to shift; either to grow with them or to leave them behind for the new people that you will be interacting with at a higher level of consciousness. Everybody makes their choice and the results of those choices don’t matter unless you try to hold onto the previous choice which was, which is ridiculous. Why wouldn’t you allow each person to make a new choice in each new unit of time for themselves to be free?

If that is the same thing that you want for yourself, you have to grant everyone else the same freedom and the same abilities and the same strengths that you want for yourself here. You have to be willing for all others to have it just as well as you wish it for yourself.

Bill. When you are looking at things, are you primarily dealing with embodied souls or souls in general?

The only purpose of my doing this is for me to download into my body my eternal awareness and abilities that I have when I am in a disembodied state. My purpose of looking at things is only to bring about whatever it is that is my ultimate truth as being the presence of me here. So everything I do is guided towards a preference for my eternal truth to be known by myself and then manifest here.

Bill. If I don’t try to tie in my body to that.

You’re talking to me with your body, why would you not want your body to exhibit the level of conscious perfection that would be extraordinary for anyone to observe here?

Bill. I would but I can’t help but feel like there is not a secondary reality where this one is in subordination to a more senior universe that is without bodies.

So you think that your level of freedom here is just fine and you shouldn’t seek to find out if there is a better way?

Bill. No I just feel like my relationship with my body is one that I don’t have mastered and that if I can get to more axiomatic spiritual truths and get myself in a way where I am joyful about how I am at a extremely high level on an extremely consistent basis, then I feel that I can start concentrating on my relationship with my body.

Haha. Good luck man.

Bill. Is that silly?

Here is what I think is silly; your body is what you are using here, allow it to be a specimen that everybody in this universe wishes they had for themselves.

Bill. That is an excellent point, I just feel like if I had to prioritize that particular state, I just feel like there are some other things that I would prefer first.

Why would you think that you had to prioritize anything? Why wouldn’t you be able to choose an ultimate state of expression here for yourself where you don’t have to decide which thing you are going to lack in so that you can have one of the few things that you want?

Bill. I don’t think about it in terms of lacking, I just don’t actually put attention on it. I just feel like for the lack of a better word “my energy work time” is in…

If you remember our original premise; we are not talking about theories, we are not talking about philosophies, we’re not talking about anything other than the level of consciousness that we can choose to have as our own in this moment. This moment right now, no processes, no theories, nothing other than how good am I choosing for it to be for myself right now and how much better can I allow myself to choose for it to be now and now and now. How quickly can you make quantum jumps in your level of achieving an expanded, enlightened pure state of consciousness that is a joy and wonder to experience and express?

Find a good reason not to allow that for yourself right now, or decide that looking for a reason why you cannot have that for yourself right now is a dumb thing to do and that maybe what you should do is say; hey I am willing to play a game here and the game that I am willing to play is how good am I willing to allow it to be for myself in this second and then play that game every second.

Bill. OK it’s a good game.
So try it right now and I will shut up for a minute and we are both in each second that I am silent see how much better we can choose it to be for ourselves and to also allow it to be as good for the other as they are choosing for them self as well. So here we go…

You should end up at pure God consciousness, because there is no reason to choose to be anything else less than that. How much better than this can you choose it to be for yourself right now, no theories.

None of your past matters when you play this game in the present; how consciousness are you willing to be in this moment? How conscious are you willing to be in this moment? Think about it, the only change that ever happens is in the now. Change doesn’t happen in the past and it doesn’t happen in the future; it happens in the now, so quit planning for change in the future and just allow for the best that you can imagine for yourself, that you would be willing to have for yourself; imagine that and be willing to receive it instantly.

When you look at the things that are not in harmony with that, instead of resisting, pushing and fighting them; just realize the choice that you made and see what happens to all that is in disharmony with the choice. It either chooses that same choice or it separates out from you and goes to a harmonious reality with what it is choosing for its perception of self as.

What is the purpose of my existence here is one that you may want to contemplate on for a moment.

Bill. Can I give you a win? Since we began the exercise I have been bouncing all over, it’s just wow, I have had a major stable win and I am I a good place. It has been a wildly successful adventure.

Interesting that in the mist of all of the lives that we are living here that everyone that we know is still trying to figure it out; there is no one that we know that lives knowing that he knows everything that he needs to and he really does because life is supporting him because he is that way. We don’t know anyone like that, so my question is what would that feel like? What would it feel like to be the guy that really is the expert on everything, simply because you are willing to know it as you wish to know it, just know that you are willing to be an expert on what it is you are communicating, because of your awareness level?

When you are on your own, your ascension in consciousness is faster , because you are not having to get feedback from other people as to whether what you are doing is OK or not. Your self-realization of your ultimate truth will bring you the joy into life such that you’re just a delight for everyone else here.


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