
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Screw up continued

On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 1:00 PM, Steve wrote:

Dave: Why do you go and invalidate yourself by saying that one cannot be enlightened until they were to view God as "a bit of a screw up".

All that credibility down the drain. Plus, don't you worry about lightening strikes now?

I love you.



It's a hard one to explain, I have to discredit myself sometimes as I cannot be an authority for anyone but myself or I have failed in serving you. All I can say in regards to my heretical comments are; ask God if it is true, while you consider the possibility that there is more to the other side than any of the scriptures have said. God loves me and I love him if that makes you feel any better, but the God of the scriptures is not the beginning and the end, just a transit point along your way to ultimate truth.

Remember, you don't know anyone that made it to enlightenment, let alone god realization, let alone the embodiment of eternal truth beyond, form, structure, space and time following the path of any church, you believe they did, but did they really? While they were alive? You don't know anyone who works miracles as they move through life and so can their words be trusted? You can't trust the unknowing believer to show you the way of truth, just as you can’t trust the wise ass, I mean man that I sometimes am, they don't know it or they would be the embodiment of God themselves they way they are supposed to be.

You can only trust yourself, your own connection with divinity, with eternity, with the ultimate truth of yourself, otherwise you will be limited by the partial truths that you guides or leaders know, even worse it's only their words describing their partial truths, not these truths themselves. There is no one else you should trust with that, so don't have a holy cow, in the holy now, of the wholly irrelevant, when the whole truth is available for your own observation and discovery.

Love David

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