
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, June 02, 2010

The embodiment of freedom

A visit with Allan.

Where I move beyond my circumstances and look for what my truth is beyond the embodiment, to look for what it is that controls this and at the same time being here as that. Here as the controlling consciousness of your reality embodied as the truth of who you are, so that in fact you come and manifest here as you wish. Without having to figure it out.

The path that I follow is allowing myself to transcend this reality easily and then look at it from a point of view of absolute consciousness and freedom. Then determine how it is that I am going to express that freely here in the body. It is always a solitary self realization that it is your choice to know your truth; it is not somebody else’s to grant it or restrict it. All indications to the contrary of that are simply illusions and pretenses of beingness that are a little masquerade party.

To embrace what is, regardless of what it is and regardless of my circumstances, what works for me is embracing the truth of what I have been here, at the same time maintaining my awareness of what my ultimate state of consciousness is. Sooner or later hopefully it will result in an enlightened state being my normal reality here.

You have to wonder what is between a person’s ultimate truth and a person’s manifestation here. You have to wonder that if they are ultimately absolute freedom and consciousness, why it is it is so difficult to self realize that here and manifest it. Not just have an idea about it or cognition about it, but the realization of that truth for yourself as your identity and as your actuality.

Allan. Well I am really clear that there is no where to get to and your comings and goings are in this moment right now, that much I am sure of. There is nothing to find and nowhere to get to. Just to dance in that dance and be free enough to change your mind as you go along.

The key is how to be free enough to be able to change your mind, so that you alter your reality moment by moment towards the freedom that you wish to have.

Allan.Well it’s not that you are not free to be in each moment, you are free to be in each moment. It’s the parts of you where you don’t allow yourself to be free.

Exactly, so what is the easiest way that you know of for a being to allow themselves to be free in this very second that we are experiencing right now? Is it just a choice? Because that is what I do, I feel it and I choose for the greatest degree of freedom that I can experience right now.

Allan. It depends on what that feeling is for you; if that feeling is not good or is negative, that’s clearly not you. You would never, never put negative thoughts and feelings into your existence. Never would you do that to yourself and knowing that, if number one you are consciously able to become aware of it, then what you do is actually notice that that is what is happening and you give thanks and appreciation for the opportunity to have done the work that you have done to achieve that level of consciousness and look at how well you have done, how far you have come, how wonderful you are doing and how great things are. Actually how incredible this team that I have assembled together to pull this thing off. I have a group that supports me now.

That’s nice.

Allan. Then you go from being unconsciously competent at the negative stuff, to now you’re at that moment you are becoming consciously competent at being positive. Until your doing it over and over as a practice until you become ultimately unconsciously competent at being positive. Its like tying your shoe.

Good, that’s a way that everybody can work themselves towards their own personal freedom.

Allan. Momentum, you start to develop momentum in it.

It’s a key to freedom for everybody.

Allan. Indeed it is, nobody would ever do anything negative to themselves, that would be weird. The interesting thing about self invalidation is not even real, it’s just other peoples evaluation of you over time.

That you accepted, so you really did not condemn yourself, you just went into agreement with the condemnation of self by others.

Allan. Exactly right, its not even original.

All we did is agree with others that we were not free.

Allan. That’s exactly right.

Oh my god, well that’s lifting something. I have changed my mind on that, those people were wrong. They were wrong about me and they were wrong about themselves.

Allan. Indeed they were. First of all they had no idea of who they were, how in god’s earth could they have any right opinion about you? But what their tendency to do is to take their own shit of invalidation of themselves and project it upon you.

A limited being can never understand ultimate freedom and a being that would be existing as that and so would condemn it to the same reality that it knows itself and as soon as you give some sort of preference to somebody else’s point of view over what your own reality is, then you are lost.

Allan. Way lost.

Well that’s the answer.

Allan. You’re right on. You have everything so absolutely impeccably perfect you can’t even think about it, that’s how perfect it is. It’s like a finger that can’t touch itself.

You’re a good man Allan.

Allan. We’re going to do incredible things, we’re going to have incredible fun.

Interesting that I would consider that I would place myself in a situation where what I want for myself would not be OK for me.

Allan. Well it’s not now, it some crap from the past where it was not OK.

Its nice to be willing to be free, willing to realize that I can grant myself the freedom that I desire, simply by being in disagreement that it is otherwise.

Allan. Just take it up a notch and give yourself some Atta boy’s. When was the last time that you told yourself how great you are?

A few minutes ago.

Allan. Beautiful.

There’s a part of me that wants to say oh never I am a poor lost soul.

Allan. You better lock him back up.

No, no he is the one that gets to be free.

Allan. No he is a mess.

Unless he gets to be free, then what am I?

Allan. Mine gets zero air time.

Well that’s something that you might want to take a look at because if it is an aspect of your own consciousness then it is someone that you should love into harmony.

Allan. Its not that, it’s a vestige of how I used to relate to myself.

Then you can let that go easily then. That was just a construct to cope with reality with.

Allan. It was my Dads valence.

As soon as you realize that your level of consciousness is yours to choose and yours to grant and your to enjoy in each moment that you choose it then why would you choose for less than that?

Allan. You wouldn’t, if you were aware of it, you wouldn’t.

That is what I am doing is reminding myself of the truth. I am now in disagreement with any other truth being true for me other than the truth I see. My experience of reality has to be my truth right.

Allan. Indeed, but if you get into that little construct or language trap of reality, you can get into big trouble. My offering was just on a more causative level by starting to have a conversation with yourself on purpose.

And what would you say that conversation should be?

Allan.What do you want? You have not because you ask not. You say what you want number one and you start flowing positive thoughts and feelings and emotions towards that and you watch it show up because you will just attract it. Everything that you have right now is what you attracted.

But was it what I wanted? No.

Allan. That is the flip side of it that is the unconscious part of it. Whatever you want, you can have, but whatever you don’t want you get to, because that’s where your attention is.

So my freedom is realized in focusing on what I do want and feeling good about it.

Allan. Indeed, home run, that’s it.

Why wouldn’t you naturally look at what you want and feel good about it?

Allan. Unconsciousness.

What a shock that the concept would somehow fee foreign to you of conceiving what it is that you want here and feeling good about having it.

Allan. Yes, well here is the weird thing about it; as you start to put that up there, you will find that you have to expand into the deserving and the honoring of self and really embrace it.

Lets look at that, there is a part of me that wants that yacht that we were looking at, and would enjoy that yacht.

Allan. What would you enjoy about it? What feelings would it bring you?

It would feel like I am free to do and experience what I choose to.

Allan. So if you were able to have that, then you could actually picture yourself sitting on that right now and the more that gets into your mind, the more likely that it is to occur. Without that it will never happen.

Well, I can have the Ferrari, I can have that.

Allan. You have actually been in that.

What else can I have that I would like? I can have loving relations with my family. I like that. Why not be safe at home? Because at home that is where you are safe, that’s why they set up baseball the way that they did, you run away from home fast and you run back again real happy, glad to be home. Isn’t that what the game of baseball is? You run away from home looking for another safe place and unless you are right on top of your toes and faster than the other guy with the ball, you are out. It is kind of an interesting metaphor for life.

Allan. You can have what you wish for and feel good about consistently.

The willingness to want it and feel good about it is the exercise that completes this reality in a wonderful way. What I am saying is that we are here to be free and that money is necessary, what I am proposing is an effective consciousness that is able to interact here successfully, a willingness to be the embodiment of freedom. Not some concept that takes us to a place other than where we are.

Allan. Well start with deserving it and honoring the work that you have done on yourself and the courage and what you have put forth; it is rare my friend.

Thank you, I appreciate the acknowledgement. So it is OK to be doing what were are doing and being rewarded for it financially, so that we don’t have to say that this reality doesn’t support us in being our truth here.

Allan. Your right.

An agnostic has something missing and that is everything else. We’re here on earth, we might as well use it like we own it.

Allan. Don’t focus on the radar of where the things you want are going to come from, just on the fact that they are coming.

No body should be in a deal that can’t be willing to be a part of it being successful.

Allan. The truth is were not that smart David there are too many possibilities out there, you have the realm of right doing and wrong doing, not knowing and this persona and that person.

I am just saying that it is OK to let the ones who become really, really obvious to us as not being in full support of us being magnificently successful, they can go screw them selves, by themselves. I am in disagreement that I am friends with enemies, because that which limits me is my agreement with others that I am not free. As I was growing up I was taught and accepted that what I wanted was not freely available to me and so for me to believe that I could enjoy, feel good about and have what I wanted was a reality that I could not have as my own.

I want to be the embodiment of freedom and I feel good about having that.


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