
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Why is it supposed to be this way?

If you have a persistent complaint about your body, you may want to focus your question on " why is it supposed to be that way" until you can give clarity, sanity and consciousness to that part of you that chose it to be the way that it is and the way that it is became that way because of that part that chose it, so get into communication with yourself by meditating on those things that you would like to improve or that you don't like at all and say; why is it supposed to be this way, with the intent that you are going to get an answer. 

It is supposed to be that way and for a very good reason, your reason that you forgot and your purpose is to find it out. 

Why is it supposed to be that way? You ask that question of yourself until you get the answer, a good answer that you would agree was a good purpose and that your solution was a good solution for achieving that purpose, fulfilling a need that you had for something to be a certain way. Now, You just don't like the side effects. So is there a way for all important purposes to be met successfully and at the same time for all of us to be in harmony and oneness?

Why is it supposed to be like this and how does it get any better? How do we improve this life that we are?

Let go of all of the intentions that you are holding onto from others for you to agree with them on their reality and follow their directions on what they believe to be right for your life. Let all of your agreements with any of that go.

Yes we believe in evolution, we believe in life, our own life evolving before our very eyes into a continual improvement of our enjoyment of it, consciousness of it and cause over it. 

Why is it supposed to be like this and how does it get better than this?

It's a little scary to shift realities like this, to go from something that you know and that you know you need to pay attention the best that you can for you to have what you need in life. Allow yourself in this moment to be free.


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