
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Universal perfection

How about some real life change? 

There is nobody that you don't leave behind when the divine is your choice of self. To want to embrace divinity is only natural, to embrace the divine is to become the divine, you can't help it, its natural.

Your a very deliberate soul despite what you think about yourself. You are very deliberately shifting your life until it is exactly what you want it to be. Don't go along with anything that isn't the way that you like it, opt out and say no, that is not for me. It has to be done your way, your life should be your way. 

I want it exactly the way I want it, why? Because that is the way that I want it. Require of those who work with you and for you, that they wish well of you.

You have it slightly wrong with your false self, its not " I am the one that goes" it's " I am the one that grows" into, out of, within and without. You are what grows into what you become, just take off your restraints. 

Embrace your terror, how else are you ever going to stop being terrified? Know what you are terrified of so well that it ceases to be an issue for you. 

You cant work on  financial deals with people who are desperate and expect that they will be successful. Find a way to work with those who are already financially set. In business, deal with those who are financially capable, not those who need a break.

It's your turn, we are ready for you to wake up. The whole universe is waiting for you, it's your turn now, wake up. We allow everyone to be successful. We allow everyone to win, (so long as they are willing to be winners, then we let them separate themselves out.) 

Don't identify with other people, don't see your self in their lives. Allow yourself your own identity. "I don't measure myself in comparison to others". if you spend your time comparing, you are not living. Just be what it is that you have been wishing you were, or better yet, be exactly what it Is that you are, regardless of what point of view you take a look at it from. Be what you are.

Until you can be what you are comfortably, you certainly cannot move from that to a greater comfort. As she said; "I make it up as I go" if you make it up as you go without any reference to anyone else in terms of guidance or limitations and your intentions are the greatest good, then you will get there If your intention is the greatest good for everybody. As you examine that statement you will find out what that means and that is that everybody is perfected, all of them, you can't wish that were not so. So be willing to hold the energy of that position, its your choice, "the greater good for everyone"; universal perfection. 


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