
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The best that you have ever been

You might as well invite your higher self to be in a constant state of communion with you, so that you know what the heck is going on here. Allow your higher self to be so close to you that you can't distinguish yourself from it or find a way that you are separate from him. What that means is; you are inviting your higher self into intimate communion with you in the present. As well as with all of the "you's"  that you have been in the past. All the you's that you have been, have created the misery of the skin that you live in. Feel all that you are that is the result of that and allow the divine to actually be that, both then and now with an expanded perception of all the "you's" that didn't know and understand before.

Of all of the "me's that I have been before,
there are but four that I do not wish for any more;
the first is conscious unawareness, 
the second is unconscious unawareness, 
the third is consciously unconscious,
and the fourth is unable to be conscious of what I wish to be conscious of; 
the unable "me", 
the me stuck in a tree, 
stuck in the tree of life and life is not  very worth living for me as that, knock on wood.

If I come alive consciously in the I am that I am, there and here, now and then, what becomes of me?

The you that you that you have been, 
finds the freedom that it has always yearned for, 
as the life that is a return for,
the choice to be good.
Good for everyone, including your enemies.
The you that you want God to become, is the you that you are in every moment.

If you are arguing about anything, it is because you are bound by the lies that you have accepted as truth and you truly don't know who and what you are before and after your bodies life. 

If you are looking for some basic guidance, here it is; don't make any agreements with people who don't have your best interest at heart and If you don't continuously wish well for the other, you will fall into the trap of "he ain't my brother". But he is your brother, your mother, your father, your sister, and all the others and You are as you bless or curse others to be. Your body is as you wish others to be; and the result before now is for you to die a long and slow death in unconscious apathy. Not a happy ending.

Our search for love begins and ends in finding and savoring divine consciousness. So don't blame your bodies condition on the bad guy that somehow did you wrong, because the only one who did that is you. The you who now is happening to take responsibility for bringing yourself back, all of the way back home, without needing help from anyone or anything. Not because you're special or obsessively independent, but simply because divine consciousness happens only when an individual consciousness chooses it for itself and that's what you get to do, are doing and have to do, in order to know divinity from the position of the source of divinity. You are interestingly enough, funny enough and outrageously enough, the source of divinity. Divinity would not exist if it were not for you and If you can allow that to be true for you, then you also allow divinity as the truth of us all and that is the kind of blessing that each and every one of us need from each other.

So, bless all of your enemies right now, as fast as they come to your mind, bless them that they may know divine truth, that they may know themselves, as divine truth. Also your mom and dad, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins and friends, acquaintances, teachers and opinion leaders... At one time or another, you felt like you needed them to know the truth of yourself and that couldn't be further from the truth. You know the truth of self by being True to your self and when you don't know the truth of self, that is the signal for you to let go of all that you believe to be true because something about it is wrong. When you let go of your current hypothesis as to the meaning of life and your place in it, then all the intelligence and awareness that you have, can now be focused on being fully open and in allowance of the truth of you and of us all, to be fully known, focused in and present as the body that you feel and know as you.

Bless them that curse you, or that curse you will wear as its rightfull owner. There is physical evidence that You have been in a condition of less than enlightenment, so at least at those times and places where there was physical and obvious evidence that you were not divinely enlightened; let go of your demand that wrongness be a rightness for you. Allow that to have been a mistake and to be wrong for you to continue as that. Allow yourself the opportunity to realize a wrong position, so that you can reposition yourself in a more optimum way. Optimum meaning; better for everyone and really really better for you. Actually, Really better for everyone, but since your own truth is the one that you sense the most so; you'll "get it" when you've got it. 

Seeing your self as the most enlightened one will keep you in quite a prison cell;
if you are not wishing for more than you have,
for everyone else that you look at,
if you somehow feel that you don't have enough,
if your not wishing for more for the other guy,
then there is not going to be an environment created around your presence here that will miraculous shift you into a remberance of your divine consciousness with a realization that it is now that you are going to assume and take on the truth of self in such a way that there is no question or pretense or doubt about it.

But, you are you and you are what you are, period. And you're not trying to talk anybody else into it, your just taking your own truth to be what it is and to wish from that knowing of your own truth infinitely, that you are also wishing for the highest and best for every other consciousness that you come across, regardless of the state that it is in. You wish for it to be able to at it's choice to transit quickly from unconsciousness to a love for all; from the divine creating a creator, point of view. 

You're the divine source, the creator of all that is and if you are brave or open enough to use that as a mantra until the truth of it is known to you, then God doesn't need to help you anymore, you will be the helpful god, the source that guides all consciousness to a return home by showing the "home frequency" to the other. That is done by; divinely knowing that the consciousness of the other, existing in a state of divine competent awareness, is the best circumstance for You to exist in and so you wish that for others as you receive it in yourself.

Whatever a person is, he is, but if he is arguing with you about what your reality is and whether it is right or wrong, you know one thing for sure; he couldn't be more wrong. Because the only thing that will free you then is the other granting you divine consciousness, right now! Right now in the moment that you are not demonstrating that truth as a manifestation of who you are. When another grants you that, without your being deserving of that, then you cannot help but grant the same back to them in return.

If when ever you are with someone, you know that you are blessing them to their very best, then you will be able to be here as what you have wished for. You might want to ask your heavenly friends to bless you with the awareness of your own divinity. Get as many of them doing that as it takes for you to be there and they are there waiting for you to ask. That will make your own blessing of others to their divinity easier if you are already there yourself. As long as you bless another with the highest truth that you know of from your own experience, that's the best that you can do because the rest is a guess and so be my guest and bless me with your best. 

If you are unconscious at all in this moment, then in this moment which is the only moment that you have, look at it until you are free from it and like they say; be here now and be here now as your eternal self that is able to be what it is to be, the possible you and the possible me and make everyone else better, just because you are here. Allow that for yourself and then to that self be true.

Are you really going to let yourself change like that? Being the one getting ready to bat and as the pitch is thrown, hits a home run, all the way home? 

As you go through this awakening, you will begin to own it on different levels and each further level that it is discerned on will be supportive of the other levels awakening and knowing their shared truth as well. So be aware that even though it is instantaneous in the moment that each consciousness chooses it's truth, there are so many of those individuated points of consciousness that are choosing, there is the apparentcy of a persistence through time with a great deal of unconsciousness with very little light enlightening the story for humanity. So relax it is going great, enjoy the moment.

To what degree are you willing to be part of that story? The end of the story; the story of that was then, remember when we weren't free?; To what degree are you willing to let the you that you are in this moment be fully open as the truth of eternity? That's the presence that communicates to this life the divine. The more you open up to that, the more that you are free from the limitations of who and what you have been and how your life and your body has been configured. So bless all those who have cursed you in the past and are cursing you in the present. Bless them that they may know the truth of all eternity; their own divinity, the enlightened one, the holy one, the always fun to be with... Bless them with that, and you will be free.

The only truth that there is in this universe, is the you that you are in this moment, so in this moment, may you be blessed with the knowledge of all that is God, and all that is not and why things are the way that they are, and the way that things may be perfected for you and for me, in a way that we all lovingly share. 

Allow for perfection to be part and parcel with you, bound to be true and boundlessly you. Bless everyone and everything that ever led you to be the you that you are in this moment. Bless them with with your best, the best that you have ever been, bless them to be that and somehow more even, for them.

Don't be afraid to use truth as a weapon against lies and unconsciousness. In order for unconsciousness to choose better for itself and in order for a falsehood to be known, the light of truth has to be shown on it, or else you are perpetuating a degraded condition for the other for no apparent good reason.

Embrace yourself physically and as you feel your body say; "this is what you believe to be true about you." and as you feel your body in that exacting state of awareness, it shocks yourself out of the place that you have been stuck unconsciously, back into a more free and aware "me". The me that you are, when you are unconstrained by your self condemnation and the accepting of the condemnation by others of you. The you that is that, can't be of very good use for any of us, so let's all get together and help you transcend that.

If you want enjoy yourself the best, isn't it in the  company of friends that you love and feel absolutely safe and joyful to be with?


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