
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How to be present as divine love

In all those places where you have “over done it” in life to one extreme or another, you can heal those imbalances that are manifest in your body from those past experiences, with a loving presence, not an attitude, but your presence as a being of love in your body. That will change all of your past to an irrelevancy for your present.

There are no instructions on how to be present as divine unconditional love and grace, other than;
To choose that for yourself and then to not stop yourself from being here as that, as that is who you are naturally, so relax, be natural and naturally love the fact that you are divine love. Remember its Ok for those guys that don’t deserve it to be divine also, they don’t deserve it (your mind will say), but don’t you stop them from being divine if they can be.

Here’s a new mantra for you; we’re not going to stop anyone from being divine love. Why? Think about it, the most successfully selfish people and angel’s selfishly choose divine love for the others. Selfishly choose divine love for all others, wish them the best, bless them that they may understand that what they choose for themselves and others is theirs. Once a consciousness knows that it can truly choose to be what it wants to be, then it will choose well for it’s self. For those of you that can understand the concept; you will begin to decide that those who don’t wish well for you are no longer a welcome part of your life. Why would you interact with them? Their on a different mental plane of existence all together. There is no need to participate in their reality as someone who is in agreement with, who and what they are pretending to be.

All of history, everyone and everything, occurred within you. There is nothing that has been experienced that was not experienced within you.

See the best in everyone, its what they want to be acknowledged for as well; the best self that they are, that’s what they want to be, so choose it for them, by knowing what it is yourself. Allow the divine to be yours tonight, allow the divine to be yours in every way, it is after all logical.

After your life is over, what point of view do you think you will have wished that you had viewed it from?

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