
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Walk alone

If you are a serious seeker for the truth, don't go seeking for it outside of yourself. There is some orientation that you can get from studying those who have been acknowledged by millions as having been the way, the truth and the life, but if you look at their words as the description or definition of your truth instead of as a potentially helpful pointer in how to find it your self, they are a dead end. They can only orient you to the beginning stages to your return to ultimate truth. 

You don't want to spend your lifetime looking for direction from others. Take an appropriate time to orient and compare the philosophies, but don't get caught in the trap of the teachers, schools and gurus, who refuse to divulge their ultimate truth as they know it or believe it to be, when you look them in the eye and ask them for it. If there is a prerequisit to their sharing that which they know with you, then that which they know is not worth knowing in guiding you to your to your truth. 

Once you know the basic philosophy of meditation, spirit and of nothing, the creator and the created; then you can throw all that out and sit alone and be one with yourself and realize your truth within your body; that you need no one else to help you, except for those who will give you a hand from one step to the next and allow you to go on your way, without their fearing for you that you will not make it. For those who hold you in that point of view, they will never allow you to be the one who is whole within himself and knows his truth, truly.

So walk alone to find your truth and when you do; love all that you wish to commune with. 


1 comment:

  1. the truth is revealed to each of us as we walk the Path of Divine Love....

    thank you for lighting that path for me to walk again
