
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The master of reality

Until you know within yourself that your freedom in this moment occurs through your conscious choice and you experience the results of that choice with the experience of divine freedom; then you haven't made it. But if you believe that that is possible, then it is certainly worth your exploring and paying very close attention to the results of your decisions in the quiet moments that you have with yourself, as you determine for yourself who and what you are.

Your process of becoming the true you starts with the knowing that you indeed are; the master of your universe and your destiny and that There is no one else that maps it out for you, except for you. So if you are ready, it's time to take charge of your life, by being the master of your reality. By "master" one doesn't speak in the dictator or dictatorial sense, but in one who truly has accomplished his mastery of his reality, so that his reality responds to him the way that he wants it to without having to impose an unwanted reality on anyone that he deals with. Clarity, certainty and honesty will serve you well when you,"go to the mattresses".

Your body is the one that you've got and it is the result of all of those silly choices that you made unconsciously. So to take control consciously now, is a little bit of a learning process, but just know; that more consciousness always leads to more success, more ability, more causation and control. So the doorway out of your limited reality is in choosing the limitless freedom that is available to us all, (without having to go through somebody else's ideas of what an acceptable program is and what a graduate of that program would have to do and accomplish in order for freedom to be an allowable reality for them.)

You don't need to embrace a hierarchal system that rewards no one with their ultimate truth. The ones who have ultimate power; don't want yours, don't need yours and don't want you to be disabled to the point where you believe that it is only they who can save you. Because they want you to be your best, they want you to be as they are, they want you to be free and your jailer, is only you. So you can't ask them to interfere in a causative way, but you can ask them to help you remember and realize your truth again, here and now.

A mantra that you can look for awhile is; I am the master of my reality and "this" is my reality. An interesting paradox of that is that it is not only you that is a master of their own reality, but it is only you that believes that there is any kind of conflict whatsoever between those who have mastered reality. At that point, There is no division, there is no separate point of view, that values the self over another. There is only the celebration of the ultimate freedom that those who are ultimately conscious have to live their lives that they embody as their eternal truth. 

So if you are wondering about what your clear purpose is in life; it is the divine mastery of your life and the reality it lives, in this; the most challenging of places and spaces that currently believe otherwise.

As you feel yourself falling ever more completely, into the reality of your personal freedom, you begin to find it easy to live life as you choose, because the choices become so obvious for you on what your going to say and what your going to do in the circumstances that you find or involve yourself in. Your not interested in others controlling your reality, or imposing unwontedly on your reality, or interfering with your realization of who and what you are here. So if you somehow feel that you are in a conflict with somebody in the definition or experience of your reality and the facts of your reality, then there is one thing that you know; they have so succeeded in convincing you that you are not the truth and you are not the way and you are not the light that enlightens your physical manifestation here and shows it the way of a universally divine life.

So let go of the thought that that you have maintained that another who is condemning you for anything, has a truth that is superior to your own. Your truth is you can choose divine consciousness anytime that you want to and that's all you have to do to be deserving of it. Look at all of those reasons that you can't be more divine in your life because you then would not know how to live your life. Consider the insanity of that thought; that somehow you are better off or more able, being disabled, being unknowing, unaware, unconscious and unable to be free as you wish to. The point that I am making is; it's you that takes on divine consciousness, it's not something where the you that you are is lost as you become that, no. Paradoxically, yes you are the false you, but you are also the true you. You are the one that knows the truth of what it is to be a living divine being. 

We've all the opportunity to be free as "nothing" as the "original cause" but not the living effect of the cause that was able to take on and be the realized self as the first cause of all creation.

When an individuated consciousness returns home to the realms of realization, that he in fact is first cause of all of the realities that he participates in, when he realizes that; then he is on the path to his personal freedom and it improves with every step he takes and with every new perception.

The truth for how it gets divinely better for you? You keep choosing for it to and there's your new mantra; "we choose to be divinely better than this". We allow for it to get divinely better than this is a mantra that works to get you to the point of realizing your divinity, but it's not one that you have to utilize afterwords. As soon as you know it to be true; let it go and leave it behind. 

You're not the "second best" or worse in the realms of divinity. You are that which divinity gets to be in its most interesting, compelling and celebratory state. 

Its you that is living in a state of disabled consciousness and ability, so choose for it to get better than that right now. I get to feel good here, is a self realization that you are going to take a minute right now and focus on so that you realize that's true. So ask yourself now; are you the one that it   gets divinely better for? 


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