
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Let go of your need to be anything

Look at the state of mind that you would have to be in to want to have recognition for being the author of, head of or founder of something or anything. What sort of egoic mind needs that type of gratification or recognition from others? Certainly one so unable, unaware and disconnected from its truth, that it believes that its successes have to be publicized, over exaggerated and made to seem unusual, rare, noteworthy or difficult, so that it feels valued.

Relax into allowing yourself into being extraordinarily wonderful, without having to be acknowledged for it. “I don’t want to be acknowledged for creating perfection, I just want to experience it.” I don’t want to be acknowledged for anything that I have ever created, why would I? I don’t want to be entrapped by my creation.

All of our troubles in life are directly caused by our desire to be recognized for or identified with something. To release yourself from this; feel it and as you feel it, consciously let go of your need to be identified with it or as it. As soon as you require that others recognize you as the source of something, is as soon as the you that is being recognized, is in fact, not that source anymore.

Let go of your need to be recognized,
Let go of your need to “recon” with something.
Let go of your need to be recognized as anything.
Let go of your need to be celebrated by anyone.
Let go of your needs, you needs will be met as soon as you don’t need them anymore.
Let go of your needs being a problem for you and allow your needs to be met with ease, to not be an issue or difficulty for you, let go.
Let go of your need to feel special or unique in any way.
Let go of your need to be admired for any quality.

Let go of your need to be an example for others as a way to behave, let them behave themselves the way that they choose to. Don’t say that you know better that they, what the purpose of their life is here. It’s OK to have a minor purpose in life here, to be a bit player in the game of reality. It’s Ok, you can admire that and admire that consciousness that is willing to play that part of no-recognition; an insignificant part of the totality of reality. You have to admire the consciousness that is wiling to be unknown,
unconsidered, unjudged and without needing the attention of society.

It’s Ok to remember yourself as a success in the past, to know yourself as competently divine in the present, but there is no reason to enslave yourself in this reality and to consider the act of doing that, may somehow better the world.
Let go of the need for the world to continue at its current level of consciousness. Allow it to transcend all of this and to know itself truly. Allow yourself to experience the world that is free and competent in its ability for there to be a divine reality for everyone.
Let go and allow that to be your reality; divine competence for all.
Let go of the need for your life to be successful, respectable or dependable.
Let go of any need that you have for your life, just let it go.
Let go of your belief and need that your life can be enhanced by anything or anyone else. Is that a tough one to do for you? Yes, of course it is. How does one look at that divinely? It’s kind of letting go of your need to be divine. Don’t be divine, just be yourself. Be yourself, and once you know what that is, then you can describe or define it later if you feel the need to, but don’t take on a label when you don’t know what the definition or experience of the beingness of it is.

Let go of your need to define yourself with a label that you don’t know from your own experience that you are that.
Let go of all needs for labels that define you that you don’t know the meaning of.
Let go of all that need and instead be conscious of what it is that you are and from that; know that you have no need to be defined so that you can know yourself. To know yourself is not to hang a definition on yourself.
Let go of your need to be anything. Make that your new mantra.
Let go of your need to be spiritual and unique. You do need to be conscious and to be aware.
Let go of your need to be anything and allow everything to be what it is supposed to be.

Today, prepare to surrender to yourself.


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