
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sublime excellence

We are that which we are, however when we wonder what we are truly, it means that we are disconnected from it, disconnected from ourselves, lonely and lonesome and separated from the wholeness that is oh so sublime.

Sublime, what is sublime? Sublime is the most rare treasure, one that is yours alone, one that you can savor and take pleasure in the experience of your connection with a superlative creation.

It’s OK to be conscious, to be enlightened and to also be active in this world. Active to such an extent that your life is a superlative example of what all would wish for, for themselves. How do I realize that, you may ask yourself? Well, ask yourself how you may realize that sublime experience of reality as the focal point that both enjoys it and enjoys sharing it with others so that all savor the experience.

Your here to be an actor in society, to be a participant in this reality, to be acting, communicating and expressing what it is to be fully conscious and aware of the excellence that exists in all endeavors. Absorb the excellence in everything that you observe, allow it to become you and allow yourself to become it.

Excellence; excellent in everything worthy of your attention. Allow greatness to infuse your soul and inspire your being to the perfect expression of self. Allow the magnificence that is here, to become you and for you to become it. We’re here to become magnificent people, so go ahead; do something magnificent.

Here’s your new mantra; allow excellence of all to improve you in every way now.

You know what excellence is, you have been observing others your entire life now, so allow all of that experience that relates to your appreciating the excellence of something, the inspiration of the execution of a perfect performance here, allow all of that to infuse you, to lead you and guide you into the realization of your own excellence and your own ability to inspire others with the admirable perfection of your abilities here.

Allow excellence to be your experience of self and your self to be a selfless devotion to excellence in every way, which means; your experience is a sublime one because you are excellent in every area, not in just one to the exclusion of others. So allow the excellence of all the “great’s” to bring out the excellence in you. Is that possible? Yes, it is, do your meditation on it and you will find out.

Allow yourself to be infused with the knowledge that created all that surrounds you. Allow the individuated greatness of everything that is and ever was to be focused in and personified by you. Allow it to happen in this moment and allow yourself take those moments necessary to consciously observe it all.

You’re now the guy that handles things in life.


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