
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Gods temple on earth

All of the energetic limitations and barriers that you have between your sense of self as you are and your enlightened consciousness, are caused solely by your maintaining many different positions that you’ve taken on in regards to various subjects that are unenlightened positions and so if it is enlightenment that you are wishing for, you simply have to let go of your unenlightened positions on all subjects.

You do this by feeling who and what you are, meditating on that still point and observing from that still point of consciousness the manifestations of yourself. You can feel those solidities and those energetic barriers between you and the sublime peace and divine consciousness that you are at your true nature. When you feel the barrier, it’s not there for you to do anything about the barrier; its there for you to remind you to realize that there is a falsity that you are holding onto as the truth and that falsity creates and maintains that barrier for you. There is nothing that you can effectively do about removing that barrier other than identifying and letting go of the falsity within yourself that created it.

So quietly meditate, observe and be aware of that which constructs your reality and as you feel those areas that you wish were more expanded, more light and more heavenly; simply let go of all of your points of view, your attitudes, your positions, your decisions and your considerations that have anything to do with that barrier, because those are that ‘False Self” that prevents you from experiencing your divine truth.

How do you let them go?
You feel them,
you look at them,
you realize that you’ve got a stuck point of view in regards to them,
a point of view that doesn’t encompass the entirety of reality,
a point of view thats not aware of all other points of view and
you simply say; I’m not maintaining “that” point of view as the total truth and
you let it go, expand out and encompass all truth instead.

The creation point of the false self, is exactly the point where you have decided that “the false self is true,” is right and is important to be shown that it is right. There is no barrier between you and your truth of self, other than the false concepts that you are holding onto as being true.

The high point of your life and your consciousness will be found in your past, when you take your focus off of the expression of your own excellence as your purpose in life and instead begin to focus on what is wrong with others. When you do that, you will yearn for the “good old days” and not know why or how that changed or how to get it back, but you can take my word on this one; you get it back by being passionate about excelling in some type of activity that brings joy and inspiration to others. Wether that activity be in the arts, physical, mental, spiritual, social or financial, when you focus on the constant improvement of yourself; you will always be at your best and you will always be improving. When you focus on limiting, restricting and suppressing others; your best will be a distant memory.

You solve societies problems by being a light to the world, by your life being the way to truth and freedom, by your example being one that a person in doubt and confusion can follow and find the truth of himself. The good news is; you can recover the best of yourself in a relatively short time by letting go of all intentions to compel others to do anything. You do this by focusing your awareness on yourself, your consciousness and on your own revelation of your eternal truth to yourself; your own self-realization.

Lets help your mind understand what the process is like, its the physical, experiential and conscious reality of what Christ meant when he said, “for you to enter into the kingdom of heaven, you must become again as a little child.”

You are in the condition that you are in now and to change it, you look at yourself, you look at your life and your reality as it is now for you and instead of trying to change your reality you allow reality to change you. When it begins to work, its like a movie of your life is being run backwards. What you have become, disappears and everything that resulted in the creation of the person that you are, is released through your own choice to let it go and to no longer be relevant to who you are. You surrender it all back to God as a decision that did not result in your return to your native, natural and wondrous origin as a being of light and love.

As you make the postulate that the truth of yourself is a wondrous being of light, love and joyful serenity. You become able to reconnect to that truth of yourself and when you do, you just simply allow for what you have become to dissolve into that truth and rewind back into the origin of your manifestation, which was that embodiment of innocence, of wonder, of joy and the knowledge that you are heavens gift to the world and everyone is, when they uncover their original truth of their divine nature.

The trick in life is not to endlessly learn more of the ways of the world, because everyone does that and the result of that is the world that we have now. The real trick in life is to be able to hold on to your ultimate truth, the eternal truth of who you are as your sense or identity of self and not to be the result of your life’s experiences here instead. The results of your life’s experiences is not the truth after all anyway, their simply an accumulation of the effects of pretense’s upon your body and consciousness that are an imitation of truth and contextualized within a reality of ultimate pretense.

So hold onto nothing, except the truth of your own divinity and wether it is God, the truth of your own divinity, Jesus, Mohammad, krishna, shiva or any other divine deity that you have an affinity for. Regardless of the form of the presence of the divine with which you are merged (if it must have form for you mentally), when you are merged with the presence of the divine; then you leave behind all of that which prevents your entrance into heaven. Now this is done in your own closet, so to speak, its only between you and God, because there is no one else here that is going to be right with you on this one, or have that shared reality with you of your own return home and of the transformation from what you have been, into what you truly are except yourself.

Your own experience of your life, your consciousness and your awareness is the only indicator of the truth of your reality that you need. If you look to validate this experience of ultimate truth with others through conversation and debate, you will lose it for yourself, then there will be no progress made for you, because the reality that you share with others here is;
the reality of human limitations,
of human desires,
human foibles and
human consciousness and that is why this reality is not heaven on earth. Those standards of behavior, of consciousness and of beingness are less than divine and when you refuse to let those go; then a less than divine existence will be your result.

Your only real truth is beyond this contextual reality and its the presence of God, so hold onto the presence of God and allow the body to flow as the vessel of Gods temple on earth and your experience on earth will be a divine one.


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