
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

The mind of God is not known by reading a book.

I am not condemning myself for anything that I have ever done, for if I were to do that, one thing that I could then absolutely count on, is that condemned I would then certainly be. For there is no condemnation that can disable you like self condemnation and when you give into that, you’ve given into the destruction of your consciousness being able to exist outside the realms of polarity.

I do not condemn myself for anything, is a mantra that will bring you again to the peace and serenity that exists within yourself.
I don’t condemn myself for anything, is a mantra that brings us back to a wholeness of self, to a consciousness of what it is to be an eternal awareness.
I don’t condemn myself for anything here, thank you God, because that’s how God does it; he doesn’t condemn himself for anything here and he created it all… God bless him.

So if you wish to follow in the footsteps of God as a good son or daughter would seem to be want to do; not condemning yourself for anything that does or doesn’t happen here, is that path you walk on. Not condemning yourself, anything or anyone else for anything, is a wonderful way to return to your “God consciousness”

The mind of God is not known by reading a book.
The mind of God is not experienced by one who does not know himself,
but the mind of God is known by one who allows himself to know the truth that free’s God. into being God, which is God allowing God to maintain his awareness of “self” throughout time as the creator that is able to manifest that which he desires to.

The reason that you are here as what you are, is because you’re blaming yourself for things being the way that they are from a point of view that the way that things are is unacceptable. That’s worthy of another mantra: where you find yourself, is where you choose to “not condemn” yourself. This allows the self that is beyond your self condemnation, the truth of you, to awaken within the presence that you are here.

I don’t condemn myself for anything here is how you open your way to freedom.
I don’t condemn myself here, is where you find for yourself the life that you have wished for, as you continue to wish for that life to be more wonderful, more successful, more joyful and more able to benefit yourself and others.
I don’t condemn myself for anything here so please don’t ask me to. Now you can certainly offer me your rules of order, for how you are going to respond to our interactions. You can say how things are for you and suggest that I be aware of that so that I can determine the extent, if any, that I would wish to interact with you, or continue to interact with you, or to choose to no longer interact with you.

I won’t condemn myself for any of it.
I won’t condemn myself for others pleasure.
I won’t condemn myself to appease anothers anger.
I won’t condemn myself for that which comes from another,
who has forgotten that he is my brother in the divine realms.
I forgive him for what he is and for what he does, because; of what he is manifest here as, which is something less than his whole eternal truth. So in the condition that he finds himself, how can I say anything other than; yes he is my brother, but on the other hand, he is behaving as and holding himself as something less than divine, so in my manner of considering things; if it takes one to know one and divinity is your wish for self, then "no one" should you be with, that is "not one" with God consciousness.

There is nothing here that is worth condemning yourself for, all consciousness here is making its choice in each moment on what it believes is the best thing for it and receiving the answers to those beliefs in the feedback from reality as to what its effect on this reality is and until one is being celebrated as someone worth emulating; then my son, you have a ways to go in releasing yourself from your own condemnation and you’ve conned yourself into believing that somebody else knows the truth and that you don’t. Balls, Bollocks and Poppycock.


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