
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

The most wonderful thing that you can do for another person is to be willing to know and experience the divine through them.

The body wants to feel its way into a state of freedom of expression. It wants to go; Ahh, it wants to be in awe. You feel whatever it is you feel in your body and you release it with an expression of awe… ahh… Where your body is able to embrace its freedom is; when you feel the limitation or pain and you feel it, ahh… moving it from a condition of awe-full to full of awe. The ahh, ooh, yes, Awesome, yes. Feeling where your body is and then allowing it to go into a state of emphatic, enthusiastic and celebratory; yes, ahh, oh yes.

Yes, to freedom in the body, Yes to freedom of consciousness, yes to freedom of movement, freedom of presence and yes to the presence of a supremely aware, confident and able consciousness. Allow your body to find the awesome possibilities of that embrace. The embrace of ahh-yes. Feel your body and allow it to move into a state of ahh-yes. Touch your body in a new way and feel how it feels. Then relax and allow the body to move in ahh, oh yes, ah ha, that was what was wrong with me; I was allowing my self to go unconscious in my connection to painful circumstances, instead of going; ouch, aaah, ohh, ahh, ah ha, OK, got it. What do we do with our new found freedom in the body? We build on it moment to moment, allowing it to move, shift and embrace the possibilities. All you have to do is feel how things are in this moment, relax and say ok, ahh, the infinite awareness of self is choosing to be here and self aware. Mmm.

There is an interesting thing about stretching; if you do something relatively difficult where your body is resisting your going any further, and you hold it there, embracing it while letting go of the problem, continue to this until it stops resisting you and becomes supportive of you. Then when your body relaxes into peace, relax into this universe being supportive of you totally; saying yes Judy, yes Judy.

Allow the universe to bless you with a yes to your chosen perfection, being the reality that you are expressed here as. Sometimes it is easier to relax into something that you have not been willing to face before, when there is somebody supporting you in it. Anything that you have avoided out of fear can be mastered with a shared supportive presence.

There is no reason not to face up to the life that is in front of you, because the life that is in front of you when observed through the eyes of your own eternal truth, is seen from that eternal knowledge and awareness and the universe then says yes to supporting you, because you are standing in your truth as much as you can. You’re willing to be responsible for your life and many others as well. Your willing to be here as a person who benefits all of this reality because of the things you choose to help manifest and create here. You devote yourself to things that bless, benefit and advance the freedom and lives that you connect with.

When you do that, you are in harmony with reality. When you act in harmony with all of reality, there is no part of reality that will choose to be in disharmony with you. “I will choose to look for others to find a way to be freer in the same manner that I am free with myself” When they are with you, it is; everyone for the benefit of everyone else. Each willing to give that which results in the betterment of the other, from the others point of view. Is this resulting in the betterment of you? Does the touch of an aware consciousness awaken within you, a greater awareness with yourself? Using the reflection of the other as a pathway to enlightenment?

Don’t be compelled within yourself to change anything about you. To come from the point of view that needs to change, in order to improve or be a more perfect you. Instead, simply allow the perfection of truth to be your identity and to shift the expression of you in reality, with allowance, until you resemble that. Allow the creation of you, to morph into a “pretty good” reflection of the beingness that you have chosen.

I am looking at how to have a continuous experience of freedom in the body. To do that I am exploring every place in my body that is not free and work my way through it in ahh… allowance for whatever will release it, to be the direction that I am moving. There is no predetermined process, or theory other than; it is possible to let go of anything and everything that limits your expression of your eternal truth. It’s safe to say that you can relax out of anything that blocks you from having that experience and having that be something that it is OK for you to let go of.

The willingness to let go of anything that limits you is the first prerequisite for a free being. All the things that we as humans find to disable ourselves in the supposed virtue of restraint of the freedom that would result in a graceful, joyful and loving expression of ourselves. Interesting that we would prefer that to a truth that would be worthy of the word transcendent. Something that transcends all human levels of pleasure, and consciousness. Something that if it were available to everyone as a free choice of consciousness for that moment; there would be no-one who would not choose it.

So what prevents us from choosing it in this moment? From choosing our truth? The suggestion that an experience of the knowing and realization of our ultimate truth is a reality that we can share with each other and with others. It is the reason that we chose to be here; to be here as our eternal truth of self, this is the hoped for possibility for everyone who chooses realization for themselves.

You have to actually confront and experience the truth of who you are here, before you can transcend. You can’t transcend in unconsciousness, only in full awareness. You have to look at the s--it that you have done in life and say; yes I did that and look at the level of consciousness that you were at; it was an expected appropriate behavior for that level of consciousness. Its not the level of consciousness that I choose any more though, so my reality has to shift now to conform to the new beingness that I have chosen.

There’s no excuse in a present time circumstance that is an actual real barrier to your being what you choose to be. You don’t choose for a change of circumstances, you choose for a change of presence, of beingness, then the universe will move mountains of fear and doubt for your transformation.

I choose the ultimate expression of myself as my reality here, as my expression here. I choose what is ultimately true, what the ultimate possibility of what my truth could be, so that all possibilities for my self are available to me as my free choice.

To change the self that you are, you simply have to choose the self that you want to be and what is that? Beingness is a choice, its not a truth. There is a truth of the choice made, but it is not an original truth, all beingness is a pretense or postulate; a choice of consciousness to be “that.” You don’t do something to be or become something, you choose to be something and then all your behaviors are natural for the beingness that is chosen.

“I choose to be the seed that knows not the destiny of its reality and allows itself to become the full expression of its truth without any pre conceived plan. I am simply willing to be that which I was created to be.” “That” willingness in yourself, makes your ultimate truth an available choice for you.

What ever there has been between us that has been my being less than fully blessing you with your fondest wishes for yourself, I let go of and replace that with; my knowing of your eternal truth and my saying yes, yes, yes it’s nice, to know you there.

Not having to do anything to improve, ceasing to do anything that is not done in divine consciousness, awareness and responsibility. I am not going to accept my consciousness being less than that, so I am certainly not going to do anything at all from any level less than the divine and so I am simply going to sit here, until I realize that the divine has always been in me, has always supported me, has always embraced me with love for who and what I am and in what my choices have been in each and every moment.

When I can relax into receiving divinity within myself, then I receive that and as I open and receive that, then that is allowing the divine to move me, to be me, to know me fully and for me to know all that is divine as well.

There is some kind of doorway to heaven where we transit from our consciousness here, to our presence there. Our presence in heaven and knowing that, that is us here, hmm, how is that realized in this identity and point of view? Well, it is not realized by this point of view trying, its not realized by this point of view learning, it’s by this point of view having been chosen divinely to be reawakened, to be restored, to be redeemed, to be it’s truth once more again, now.

It’s OK, right now for you to open to your knowing of your divine and eternal truth and your receiving that as an active expression of yourself as you move through this reality.

Nice opening, nice choice, well done. Allow it to move thorough the totality of who you are expressed here as. My god, what a blessing to yourself that you can open up to the knowledge of yourself, the realization of eternal truth as the expression of yourself. Congratulations, what a marvelous choice and oh what a relief for me, thank you.

When you choose freedom for yourself, you bless everyone around you. It’s a resonant frequency that the others can’t help but go into harmony with for their own self. You allow your blessing of all others to move before you into reality as you move through it. You, a free being, consciously expressed here, willingly present here as eternal truth. Not shutting down and going unconsciousness. Hallelujah, the celebration of life by a consciousness that loves life, that supports life, that blesses and benefits all life here.

Why wouldn’t you do that? Why wouldn’t you say; I choose to be a benefit to this reality, why would you fight it, why would you not say; I support this reality in such a way that this reality chooses better for itself. Why not be that? Why not be here as that, simply by being present here as your own truth?

Let me experience what it is to be in the presence of eternal truth manifest by you through your human form. Let me feel that, by your being open to the divine flowing through you. Let me know what it is to know the presence of eternity manifest as form.

The most wonderful thing that you can do for another person is to be willing to know and experience the divine through them. I have an Idea about how you should do it, but that is the part of me that is wrong, that I am letting go of, because in order for you to be the full expression of the truth of your divinity, you have to allow the divine to move through you and it moves as it chooses.

I willingly allow myself to be surprised by how the divine moves through you. That is a new twist and an improvement in my ability to appreciate another person. My willingness for the divine to be present in you is only going to be experienced by myself, when I just sit back and watch it happen, you don’t need a word of instruction or encouragement from me.

A two way willingness to allow the divine flow, in and out, giving and receiving of the divine without any shutdown by the body consciousness being in fear. Just a full Ahh, awe, a willingnes for the divine to move through us, in and out simultaneously, giving and receiving, without thought, but with awareness and consciousness, while you observe the miraculous reality of the divine within your form. Letting go of every point of view that you have ever had that you are something less than that.

As all of those ideas, pretenses, valences and roles that you have played; feel them, embrace them, then let them go as you realize the divine, through them, as them, until what they are is nothing but divine presence. Everything less than that has been transformed, transmuted and transcended. Then you allow that beingness to enter the reality of the life that you are living here, not just the body, not just in the realm of possibilities in your future or past, but in your eternal present that you are in, regardless of where you are going tomorrow.

You are open right now to eternity in your present,
as your presence,
as your consciousness,
As your awareness,
as your sense of self,
as the experience of self in the body,
as the experience of the self the frees all embodied consciousness because of its perfect awareness and presence. The presence of transformed self, is the self that is your truth and the presence of transformed self only needs to be present and then everything else shifts because of it, including your identity, circumstances and relationships, they all shift into a whole other set of possibilities.

Each time that you catch yourself getting back into doingness, instead of beingness and presence, just go; oh yes, thats funny. let that go again and re-realize yourself as that presence that frees with your presence here. The process is as gradual or as quick as your letting go is. As fast as you can comfortably let go is as fast as the process goes. If you want to speed up the process, you have to figure out how to comfortably, easily and harmoniously let go without disruption for yourself or others.

How do you let go of all that limits you in such a way that it frees you and is a blessing to this reality? Anything that promotes more focused consciousness in your body, can be used to take responsibility for it in a greater way. Part of what they don’t tell you in church is that you save yourself in surrender to your own truth and allowing that truth, to be what transforms you, not somebody else’s.

The willingness to be free is the you that exists in every moment of your changing reality. I am letting go of the need that I have had to express myself from the point of view that something that I had to say was meaningful, beneficial or educational to someone else. I am letting go of the need that I have to be relevant to anyone who feels like they need assistance from outside of themselves in order for them to be what they wish to be, because they don’t.

We’re here to be one who willing chooses the divine for themselves, now.

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