
Dance of the divine

Dance of the divine
The divine is seen in everything by those willing to see; smile, the divine is with you always.

Saturday, October 08, 2011

A transcendent level of consciousness

Transcendent seems to be a word that we are not in harmony with, why is that? Why wouldn’t we naturally be in harmony with transcendence? If we naturally would be in harmony with transcendence and yet we are not, what unnatural thing is it, that seems to trap our consciousness in the depths of a conflict based reality?

Transcendence, transcendence consciousness, well I guess the only way we’re going to know the answer to that question is for us to just say its OK for us to take a sample of transcendent consciousness, so that we will know whereof we speak about this subject. Your either capable of being transcendently conscious or your not, what are you?

Capable? Feel it, feel it within the soul that you are, are you capable of transcendence? Are you capable of transcendence? I want to know, because if you are, then I choose that for myself. So, are you willing to be conscious of transcendence so that you can know what that is and in the “knowing” of that, go ahead and be transcendent in this moment? The moment of transcendence is upon you, ah, realize that. This moment that you are in right now, as you read my words, is your transcendent perfection, known to yourself.

Repeat this mantra to yourself; “this is our moment, this is my moment, this is the I AM that I am, transcendently.

Here is the first realization in your choice for a transcendent consciousness; that, is what you were supposed to do, congratulations, well done! There is a segment of this reality that you occasionally interact divinely with. Thats to be applauded, thats to be celebrated. Who does that? Why would you condemn yourself if you do that sometimes?

Don’t let yourself continue to stop yourself from being transcendently conscious, because you realize that you are going to have to self-realize yourself through all of your crap that you have created in your life. Yes, you did all of those things, you had all of those “bad effects” on other people and life, you haven’t been as good to life, like you could be. So what? So what, it doesn’t affect the validity of your current choice. Your current choice to live divinely, super cedes and negates; all previously controlling choices and lower points of view. It disables them and brings them under the control of the you that is supremely conscious.

Choose a transcendent consciousness, otherwise you are just going to continue to speak badly to yourself. Now see what just happened to you, you choose a transcendent level of consciousness, that started realizing itself in you, layer after layer of your consciousness, then all of a sudden you have a secondary realization that all you want to do is; love. Love, all you want to do is love. All you ever want to do is love, love love.

A transcendent level of consciousness, is the level of consciousness that is most able to operate itself in a manner that you would understand as being God consciousness.


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